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  • in reply to: WCBC Budget Cuts – Kerbcraft #58845


    Still no real response from our so called councillors (thank you to the handful that have responded).

    I’ve been given permission to collect petition signatures in Eagles Meadow on Saturday so if you are around, why not come say Hello and support our cause.

    Don’t think a lot of people realise that unless you live in what the council considers a “deprived area” your child/grandchild/niece/nephew etc is going to lose out.

    in reply to: Road Markings around Gresford Roundabout #59159


    They need to save their pennies for their bucket and spades :p

    in reply to: WCBC Budget Cuts – Kerbcraft #58844


    Thanks Wayne, its an avenue to explore if we need to. Wonder if we have any volunteers that are solicitors? We have doctors and dentists, so possibly.

    Sent another email to councillors last night requesting answers, so we’ll see. Also, haven’t seen it yet, but apparently there is an article about Friday in the Leader.

    in reply to: WCBC Budget Cuts – Kerbcraft #58843


    For anyone following this story, there have been a few interesting developments.

    During the gathering yesterday Mark Pritchard came out of the Guildhall and apparently told a few people we had “no reason to be there”, that we were “jumping the gun”. He told me he was there “to observe”.

    I’ve now been sent this

    in reply to: WCBC Budget Cuts – Kerbcraft #58842


    @thewayneinspain 3854 wrote:

    have you sent an email to them asking the same thing?

    it’s a done deal and as per usual they’re pass the buck to the assembly.

    Yes, and a letter has been handed in to Chief Exec, no doubt standard response will be given, I could probably write it myself.

    in reply to: WCBC Budget Cuts – Kerbcraft #58841


    Good turnout for the meeting at Guildhall this morning. Wrexham council still giving out the “nothing has been decided” BS. Interestingly Neil Rogers, Dr Paterson and J Bradbury are sending out identical letters (same as email above :rolleyes:) if nothing has been decided, then why has the member of staff been given an end date for their employment? Sounds pretty much a done deal to me.

    So, Wrexham County Borough Council, I know you are reading this, we would like the TRUTH.

    in reply to: Moss valley country park – litter & neglect #59086


    That’s great news, and yes, there are many influential people lurking on these forums :p

    in reply to: WCBC Budget Cuts – Kerbcraft #58840


    @Born Acorn 3663 wrote:

    I’m not terribly familiar with Kerbcraft or the situation, but both of those responses made it seem like it is the WAG that is cutting spending, and not the council?

    Perhaps a letter/petition to our AM would be more helpful?

    It is both, not that Cllr Rogers is likely to own up to that fact, he’s too busy copy and pasting his email to everyone. AM has already been contacted, but thank you for the suggestion.

    Unless you have a child/grandchild who has participated in this scheme then you probably wouldn’t recognise the name, though you may have seen us out an about. We are hard to miss in our Orange and Yellow hi-vis jackets. We quite often get comments from members of the public of how good an idea it is.

    If anyone is passing the green at the back of the Guildhall at about 11.30 on Friday, come and say Hello :)

    in reply to: Moss valley country park – litter & neglect #59085


    It is sad when people don’t respect the area. How hard is it really to put the litter into a bag or pocket and drop it in a bin as you pass? Have you considered contacting the Community Payback team?

    in reply to: WCBC Budget Cuts – Kerbcraft #58839


    I have received a not so endearing response from our “Leader” :)

    Dear Ms Cook, (How dare he assume I am a Ms, Michelle would have been fine)

    Thank you for your message.

    I can assure you that Wrexham County Borough Council is fully committed to ensuring the safety of all road users, particularly the more vulnerable members of our community. As a Highway Authority responsible for road safety, we fully recognise the contribution this service makes in helping to ensure our young people are well equipped with the skills to respond to potential hazards that may present themselves.

    It is unfortunate, in this instance, that information has been released before the full details of any potential reduction in Welsh Government funding have been confirmed. It is also disappointing that some of the information released is inaccurate and has caused confusion and a great deal of concern for those who deliver and receive this service. Translates as, we really did not want you to know that. Note he makes no attempt to clarify or correct any inaccuracies.

    It is appreciated that Kerbcraft is universally popular and valued by those who deliver and receive the training. Please be assured, therefore, that Wrexham Council is monitoring this situation very closely and will continue to examine potential issues and options available as they develop further. Yes, I am sure they are monitoring very closely.

    Yours sincerely,

    Neil Rogers

    Councillor Neil Rogers

    Leader of the Council / Arweinydd y Cyngor

    On the same day we received this email from David I Bithell

    I attended a Taith meeting last Friday, and raised the matter with the Chairman. He informed me that WAG have reduced the allocated funds to Taith. I expressed my concerns about the reduction in funds for Kerb Craft, and asked if they would review the situation, but unfortunately the reduction in funding from WAG means that Taith is having to give a reduced amount to the Kerb Craft scheme. I have also held a meeting with the Leader of the Council, Cllr Neil Rogers and expressed my concerns about the situation. He has assured me he is looking into this matter and will contact me about any developments.


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