Ty Pawb

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  • #252326


    More money wasted on Ty Pawb. Council to spend £40,000 on consultants to Future Proof the place.



    What happened to the pledge of not employing external consultants anymore ?

    The starting Point will be the reduction in heating costs , lower thermostat, programme heating to heat only those areas in use in the evening. Stop heat escaping through glazed area ( how did the recent refurbishment not include double glazing ?) Look at more insulation in the roof area.

    The more difficult area will be increasing the footfall and generating new income streams.

    The Council know all the problems in Ty Pawb , can’t the Users, Councillors and Officers together come up with a plan of action?


    AMA Express

    Where would we be without consultants ? A lot better off I’d say.



    The report “Ty Pawb Whole System Audit” by Greener Edge Sustainability earlier this year was some 60 pages long and according to a FOI request cost £2803.33. I could not believe that a 60-page Consultant’s Report would come in at such a low cost.

    I believed the response to my asking the costs and the low figure given was treating me with contempt. A request for more meaningful information was met by WCBC being satisfied the request was processed and considered correctly and therefore no addition or amendment to the initial response I received would be made.

    I have since referred the reply from WCBC to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

    WCBC in their reply stated The project resulted in audits for 6 of our buildings and the total cost was £16850(exc VAT) so £2808.33 for each audit and report.

    The FOI request was worded:- Please could you let me have the full costs incurred by Wrexham County Borough Council in having the report Ty Pawb Whole System Audit by Greener Edge Sustainability.

    And now another 40kk



    White elephant from the start, everyone knew it from the beginning….



    Not sure whether anyone else read it, but in WCBC’s newsletter of 6th June, an article was included with the title “Support Ty Pawb with a gift”, – essentially a begging letter.

    In light of the hundreds of thousands that this white elephant costs annually to run and the £40k earmarked for yet another consultancy fee, the ratepayers of Wrexham are being treated as fools. Services reduced, talks of redundancies and yet…….. failed pet projects seem to be immune
    from intervention.

    If this was a commercial business, it would have folded long ago.



    Well spotted BenjaminM. Is this type of fundraiser the future way forward in Wrexham? What committee or scrutiny did this pass through?

    As for the 60 page “Ty Pawb Whole System Audit” by consultants Greener Edge Sustainability at a remarkably low cost of £2808.33. The original bill being £!6,850 I was informed was for 6 buildings, not just “Ty Pawb Whole Systems Audit”. Could this also be the way forward in reducing costs to one project by dividing those costs with a similar product?

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