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  • in reply to: Signing of Co-operation Protocol #144000


    [quote quote=143998]

    How would Councillors get on if they had an appointment at the local Hospital. I would feel sorry for them driving around for hours looking for a place to park.

    Surely they’d go private, where there are always plenty of parking spaces.


    Damn me AMA Express I forgot they do a lot of things in private.

    in reply to: Signing of Co-operation Protocol #143997


    [quote quote=143984]A good question, and Wrexham Council have said: “The document signed is an operational document between the Council and the Portuguese Government. As such it is an executive decision. The Mayor is the Civic Head which is a non-political role with no ability to take decisions binding on the Council. In order to bind the Local Authority it needed to be signed by the duly elected Leader of the Council as Chair of the Executive Board.”[/quote]

    Was this agreement to enter into this binding arrangement with the Portuguese Government brought before the Executive Board. I may be wrong , but I have not seen a web cast with this being reported on.

    in reply to: Signing of Co-operation Protocol #143995


    [quote quote=143978]I hate to Labour a point but without designated parking where would Councillors and delegates have parked? Drive around for hours to look for a place to park or put them by the Bingo hall and make them walk in the rain?[/quote]

    How would Councillors get on if they had an appointment at the local Hospital. I would feel sorry for them driving around for hours looking for a place to park.

    in reply to: Councillors Guildhall Car Park #143985


    [quote quote=143973]

    I agree with jimbow, if there is a council meeting planned then cordon off some spaces at least then they can guarantee a place close to the Guildhall. Cost of parking could be claimed back as an expense if required upon receipt of tickets, times could then be checked against the meetings.

    I can see your point but you cannot cordon off for Top Management because you do not know who will be in and Councillors need to come in to drop off documents and see people.

    You cannot expect them to claim money back because of the tax involved so that would be unfair. They already save the Council a lot of money by using iPads instead of photostats so if they get a parking perk once every blue or blood red moon then so be it.

    We are talking about people WE voted for so WE should look after them,[/quote]

    We are looking after them, we pay them between £13k and £47k per annum to carry out their duties. We pay for parking WHY shouldn’t they. As for I pads,I would expect them to use them as they are provided FREE of charge.
    All were asking them to do is PAY.

    in reply to: Councillors Guildhall Car Park #143970


    [quote quote=143964
    if you let ordinary people park there then Councillors and Top Managers may not be able to come into work.

    Are you saying Councillors and Top Managers are not ordinary people. If I go to town shopping and there is no space in Market Street, I look elsewhere. Why can they not do the same? or is it they are not ordinary as you imply.

    in reply to: Wrexham Council to re-advertise for Chief Executive position #143828


    [quote quote=143825]

    Perhaps the reason no-one wants the job is because of the awful shower they’d have to work with. It’s not like they can step in at the top and start firing bad councillors, like they would piss poor directors in a private or public corporate environment.[/quote]

    I do recall some years ago the then Leader of the Council Neil Rogers , dismissed one Lead Member.
    We are never going to get any change at the top as Pritchard is head of the Independent Group whilst Bithell is head of the other Independent Group. The two , tell their servants who to support and its bobs your uncle.

    in reply to: Ty Pawb Market Stall Charges. #143774


    [quote quote=143634]Market stalls ………….. Market fails![/quote]#

    The original plan put forward by Quarterbridge was for the Peoples Market to become a cultural and arts based operation at a capital cost of £1.4m with no reference to market stalls.
    Retain the Butchers Market and make capital investment of £890k
    Refocus the General Market to provide restaurants and bars with a capital investment of £729k
    Looking at what we could end up with, a less than full occupation of market stalls in both Ty Pawb and the Butchers Market.
    No investment in either the Butchers or General Markets and a spend of £4.5m, a lot more than the £1.4m originally suggested by the Consultants.

    in reply to: 'Welcome to Wrexham' signage #143772


    [quote quote=143770]How do you think that we should market the town then? Just give up? That would be the easiest option. It is hard to keep positive amongst so much negativity.[/quote]

    Who am I to say how to market the town. When I have asked questions and given ideas to the Council on markets, all I get back is, I cannot have input as I am not a stallholder.
    The Council have a well paid Regeneration Manager, countless number of staff in Economic Development and a Destination Wrexham team. There are Steering Groups and Task and Finish Groups.
    The problem is , it takes too long to bring to fruition any good ideas. Meeting after meeting, plans of action etc, etc. It is just too long winded.

    in reply to: 'Welcome to Wrexham' signage #143759



    Every town have bells,a steeple and yew trees. Visitors to Wrexham I believe do not come especially to see just these.
    I regularly see coach trips to the Aqueduct. However, if coming from the North the overnight stay is in either Ruthin or Mold, and from the South it is usually Shrewsbury. Wrexham as a town does not benefit a lot from the Aqueduct, it is of more benefit to Llangollen. It seems to me Wrexham have lost the plot in attracting visitor footfall.

    in reply to: 'Welcome to Wrexham' signage #143739


    JP, Animal Mother,

    Could 3 of the 7 wonders of Wales be Mark, Hugh and David. People are always saying I WONDER what they will come up with next.

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