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  • in reply to: The Best and Worst of Wrexham In 2013? #66252


    Happy New Year to you too! :-)

    in reply to: The Best and Worst of Wrexham In 2013? #66251


    @Liam 11053 wrote:

    Any chance of a thread where BenjaminM doesn’t stick his size 10s in?

    Perhaps Liam some of have the ability to think for ourselves and arrive at different conclusions to those that choose the ‘popular’ option. I make no apologies to you or anyone else for stating what I believe, and will continue to do so, vex or please.
    If I agree with a post I will say so, if I don’t, I won’t. Simple! THAT is debate!
    You chose to call me to task, I have responded.
    It may be advantageous,rather than merely reading the words, if some people occasionally read for meaning and you may just find that I am not just “sticking my size 10 in” but actually picking up on thinly disguised real messages.

    in reply to: Cost of Consultants. #65530


    Zinger, no I am not trying to make an argument out of nothing but what I would expect to see is that comments do have some sense of credibility……..”allegedly, can’t remember the name of the group or who told him?”
    If you think that is a positive contribution, God forbid!
    And as far as your reference to the FB link, I hardly think that Plaid Wrexham is a bastion of credibility either. I have read some of their other missives where, shall we say, accuracy has not been allowed to interfere with spin.

    in reply to: The Best and Worst of Wrexham In 2013? #66250


    Metalhead, Look back and I’m sure you will find the instance(s) of self promotion that I refer to!

    in reply to: The Best and Worst of Wrexham In 2013? #66249


    How is it that some contributors to this thread have managed to turn a simple thread title into a platform for self aggrandisement?

    Best: the announcement of the proposed new prison.

    Worst: the opening up of yet another Welsh medium school.

    in reply to: Cost of Consultants. #65529


    @Chris 11034 wrote:

    I have been told that a local group were allegedly awarded a grant paid though the council. The council wanted to spend around 10% of that money on consultants to find out the best way of spending the money.

    Sorry cant remember the group or who told me but do remember the council wanting to spend money on how to best spend the money.

    Here we go, that man in the pub again!
    Chris, how can you expect your post to be taken as a sensible and worthwhile contribution to the thread? It is short on fact, filled with conjecture and hearsay and actually says nothing.
    By the very fact that I have responded means that I have, to date, taken no notice of your oft used postscript but rest assured, I certainly will do in the future.

    in reply to: A&E departments in north Wales under review #66153


    Both the cases referred to by thunderbird and simon are in accordance with the information published by NHS Direct Wales with regard to waiting times and alternative locations for treatment.
    Whilst I sympathise with you both (particularly Simon) if everyone was able to receive treatment when and where they want, it would be an ideal situation, but unfortunately we don’t live in a utopian world.
    Simon, if your vision has deteriorated to the level you illustrate, is it a serious proposition to continue driving at all bearing in mind the potential additional hazards posed to yourself and other road users?
    I heartily wish you a speedy recovery.

    in reply to: Welsh Ambulance Trust #66174


    I thought this forum was all about Wrexham and surrounding area. That aside, the arm chair wannabe economists who seem to think they have a simple solution to every problem under the sun that is posted on this site, may be advised to take note of the following quote :-
    “Too bad that all the people who really know how to run the Country are busy driving taxis or cutting hair” – George Burns.

    Oh, if only it were that simple – why employ consultants or people that are highly qualified in their field? Perhaps everything could be sorted on at little or no cost.


    in reply to: Council budgets penalising the bereaved #65117


    Why is there a perceived need to provide a positive alteration to the level of service provided when there is an increase in cost? Is it defective now?
    Does the quality of a packet of cornflakes improve when the price is hiked by up to 25% or a rise in the cost of vehicle excise duty provide better roads? No!
    The answer my friend is called inflation. I am afraid we have to live with it.

    in reply to: Can find out please? #66140


    Smoking is banned in /on the hospital grounds and has been for some considerable time.
    And the major reason for people having to wait outside waiting for triage assessment is the fact that so many people are using A&E as a first point of call rather than seeking treatment from more appropriate sources ie self medication, pharmacies, GP’s etc.

    There are cases on record of people turning up with minor cuts and abrasions, hangovers etc for treatment thus increasing waiting times for those who are in need of more pressing assistance.
    And furthermore, I totally agree with the idea being bandied around that the public should pay a fee for seeing their GP – then we would see a reduction in waiting times for an appointment! And the same for attendees at A&E where lower tier treatment would be a more appropriate course of action.
    And if it does happen, we have only ourselves to blame for abusing an excellent system.

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