The Speaking Truth

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  • in reply to: Council Budget #239057

    The Speaking Truth

    It’s about time the Council listened to it’s residents.

    How many have said scrap the Mayor role, they could at least stop it along with the deputy role until they can balance the books.

    Temporarily cut back on lead members, how can they ask all departments to make cut backs and the Councillors not set an example.

    They could also stop paying extra for those that chair a committee, it should be an honour to do such a role not a perk.

    Just a few ideas that may help…

    in reply to: WCBC Overspend fall out #238366

    The Speaking Truth

    Who’s in charge of the needless, yet very expensive roll out of 20mph?

    As I’ve just read, the consultation is costing WCBC money they haven’t got?

    Who is also forcing council’s in Wales to have a Local development plan?

    in reply to: LDP Thrown Out #236976

    The Speaking Truth

    That’s correct and also worrying if it’s the same person. There’s mystery still surrounding the fact he was removed from being Atherton’s agent, in the middle of a general election campaign. At the same time he also, and very suddenly disappeared from being the local Tory’s chairman and forum spokesman (look up some old threads on here). Maybe they got sick of him using the “remember the note that Labour left” when questioned on his party failures.

    Of course, this could just be coincidence and be a completely different person.

    in reply to: LDP Thrown Out #236388

    The Speaking Truth

    Absolutely agree with you Mr Jackson. Our health board really needs sorting, strange how it was taken out of special measures just before the Senedd elections then placed back under them after.

    I have to admit that I surprised to see Atherton wanting to stand in Wrexham at the next elections, thought she’d try and worm her way into another seat that she has a better chance of winning.

    Talking of surprises! Whilst watching some council meetings I saw a Co-opted member by the name of Donald Sturgeon on a committee. Wasn’t Mr Sturgeon our MP’s former agent and chairman of Wrexham Tory’s? I remember he was very vocal in local media once! Same person or coincidence?

    in reply to: LDP Thrown Out #236377

    The Speaking Truth

    Of course she’s going to twist this for a popular vote, there’s a general election next year. Unlike the last election, she won’t have the support of Brexit voters, or the momentum of support her predecessor Andrew Atkinson gained in Wrexham.
    I think our MP knows they are the two reasons how why she got elected, and of course the last MP going against the majority of his constituents on Brexit.

    What I don’t understand is why the Leader of the Council (and a few others) have changed thier minds. They were all in favour for it a few years ago, and certainly against it going back to the Welsh Government.

    in reply to: LDP Thrown Out #235948

    The Speaking Truth

    Surely I’m no the only person who thinks this is a topic a councillor should not be abstaining from? It’s poor representation when someone elected by the public abstains, get off the fence and represent the people. It’s your duty, regardless of it’s for it against!

    in reply to: Happy Birthday Groves #235556

    The Speaking Truth

    Because Labour and Plaid protested for it to be listed building. yet, we are still in the same position.

    Wasting our council tax when it could be demolition and put to better use – social housing perhaps?

    in reply to: Happy Birthday Groves #235532

    The Speaking Truth

    Remind me, which local political parties fought to get this building listed? Yet it still stands there empty, falling into disrepair at the expense of our council tax!

    in reply to: Sarah “deserves credit” for backing the Athletic! #235531

    The Speaking Truth

    According to her Essentials article, it was all down to her that they received that money. Turn a few more pages and you’ve got Lesley Griffith saying the same 🤔 I’d place money on neither of them doing a single thing to help and just turned up for a photo opportunity!

    in reply to: Sarah Atherton and Health #228764

    The Speaking Truth

    Don’t worry about it! Word is, she’s been selected to stand for Wrexham in the next election. So there’s a possibility of another 5 year’s as her being MP.

    Aren’t we the lucky one’s!!!

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