LDP Thrown Out

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    “We’ve argued that it is not a plan for local communities because it allocates land for land based on a flawed population projection that expected the borough’s population to grow by 10%. The reality is that it has been static for five years and is projected to decline further by about 2% in coming years”

    I disagree with this, Wrexham needs more houses, they say population is static or projected to decline, thats Flawed. more people want to come or to stay living in Wrexham but cant because there is not enough property’s to move into so move out of the area, there is no reason to not back the LDP, as every house that is built has always been sold so that proves there is a need. What i Totally disagree with is affordable housing was halved by planning inspectors this is radiculas, Affordable houses should be doubled not halved & force the house builders to comply.

    What is the real reason the against councillors are against this? Not in my Back yard Brigade???



    In answer to Benjamin M the last time there was a smattering of democracy in WCBC was pre May 2015 . Before that since it’s inception the council had a political balance from the Executive Board down !
    In answer to the naysayers, who are peddling the myth that they are fighting development by attacking flaws the truth is the result will be exactly the opposite to their claims. No LDP means no control of the situation, that is why every other council , regardless of political persuasion has got one ! If these ‘ Wrexham populists need proof I invite them to visit the straight mile in Llay . There are around 365 bits of proof of the idiocy of having no plan there . ‘ Other examples of this are available across the county!


    Born Acorn

    Surprisingly it is a private consortium that have raised the Judicial Review, and the council’s counsel believes it is unwinnable.

    Since this makes it incredibly likely that the LDP is happening either way, that makes this upcoming vote less about the LDP and more a “shall we squander lots of Council Tax on a KC or not” – a test of councillors IQ if you will.



    Oh dear it looks like some still don’t get it and are trying the ‘ populist stance’
    Some parties are saying “ the local plan just has five years to go !” Utter tosh of course because we haven’t had a local development plan for a dozen years and they want to avoid their duty and grant a five year extension.Words fail me .
    As to “ a conspiracy of developers “ welcoming an LDP
    whoever thinks that hasn’t been using their eyes !
    Developers much prefer no plan so they can cherry pick the best sites for them!



    Andrew the larger developers have a mass of land bank around the Wrexham area and ready to go as there is such a demand but they need the Plan as it should govern the number of ‘affordable’ housing – these developers can afford to put a legal challenge together.

    If the Council Members don’t accept the LDP they could be found in breach of their legal duties and the Welsh Government have the powers to take control of the Council by bring in Commissioners – it was done in Anglesey when the political parties could work together ( does this not mirror Wrexham) – the precedent has been made so Council Members need to look very carefully at the implications of not passing the LDP.


    The Speaking Truth

    Surely I’m no the only person who thinks this is a topic a councillor should not be abstaining from? It’s poor representation when someone elected by the public abstains, get off the fence and represent the people. It’s your duty, regardless of it’s for it against!



    Quite astonishing comments from Cllr Mark Pritchard as Leader of the Council. He has effectively given a vote of no confidence in all his Executives. What message does it give to them now they have been told their professional views have been overturned.


    Born Acorn

    From many of the comments you’d swear they’ve just founded the next French Republic, rather than vote to spaff a six figure sum up the wall for ego.



    I think Derek J and I are singing from the same song sheet . Anyone who doesn’t get it that NO PLAN=NO CONTROL is a posturing pseudo democrat . They may seek photo ops or rail against 42 houses here or 100 + houses there but their planning incontinence green lights much more and little if any control !
    Personally I would give land bank developers a limited time to take up the planning options they are given , but that is probably another political debate !



    Ms Atherton done her usual jump on band wagon of anti Welsh Government. A set process has been know for years and if not fit for purpose all parties should have challenged the Welsh Government to make changes years ago instead of leaving a decision to be made by the highly paid legal system. Having now rejected the Legal Officer’s advice will they replace her or will she resign. The action of Councilors in the vote now means Officers are being asked to vomit an illegal act.Can any Official remain in a Council that is knowingly undertaking an illegal act! Would not be surprised if the job search engines were working overtime last night. Every Member who voted not to accept the LDP should self refer themselves to the Standards Committee for a ruling on thier actions.

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