LDP Thrown Out

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    Four years ago ( almost to the month Ms Atherton as a humble community councillor, wrote an article in a local magazine “ A councillor’s view”. It purported that it came from the whole council despite not being shared beforehand with members or the clerk .
    Let’s put that aside though and concentrate on her message. She was ,then , concerned with uncontrolled planning, some in Gresford and others elsewhere e.g. Dean Road , and in Clay. NOW her view , in her more exalted position (sic) is the best way to tackle uncontrolled planning is to praise those who reject the element of control that an LDP brings . As has been said elsewhere it beggars belief that a ‘ lawmaker’ seemingly praises those who go against legal advice . Oh silly me I’d forgotten the government’s breaches of international law , not to mention the unlawful advice to the late queen in 2019 !



    Llay – blooming predictive text !


    The Speaking Truth

    Of course she’s going to twist this for a popular vote, there’s a general election next year. Unlike the last election, she won’t have the support of Brexit voters, or the momentum of support her predecessor Andrew Atkinson gained in Wrexham.
    I think our MP knows they are the two reasons how why she got elected, and of course the last MP going against the majority of his constituents on Brexit.

    What I don’t understand is why the Leader of the Council (and a few others) have changed thier minds. They were all in favour for it a few years ago, and certainly against it going back to the Welsh Government.



    Clearly Ms Atherton is in pre electioneering mode trying for a populist stance- most people however who don’t have development land around them probably couldn’t care less about the LDP as it is a NIMBY – Wrexham MP needs to be changed to Labour but definitely need to remove Labour from the Senedd – they have mad such a hash of 25 years in Wales. Our own MSs Lesley Griffiths and Ken Skates just don’t listen to their electorate- when will they make statements about Health, Education and the economy.
    When Politicians are silent it usually means there are no good news stories and people who say there are failings are actually correct. They just don’t know how to speak up for their electorate , preferring to support the political Party instead.


    The Speaking Truth

    Absolutely agree with you Mr Jackson. Our health board really needs sorting, strange how it was taken out of special measures just before the Senedd elections then placed back under them after.

    I have to admit that I surprised to see Atherton wanting to stand in Wrexham at the next elections, thought she’d try and worm her way into another seat that she has a better chance of winning.

    Talking of surprises! Whilst watching some council meetings I saw a Co-opted member by the name of Donald Sturgeon on a committee. Wasn’t Mr Sturgeon our MP’s former agent and chairman of Wrexham Tory’s? I remember he was very vocal in local media once! Same person or coincidence?



    DS is an Independent Member of the GOVERNANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE


    The Speaking Truth

    That’s correct and also worrying if it’s the same person. There’s mystery still surrounding the fact he was removed from being Atherton’s agent, in the middle of a general election campaign. At the same time he also, and very suddenly disappeared from being the local Tory’s chairman and forum spokesman (look up some old threads on here). Maybe they got sick of him using the “remember the note that Labour left” when questioned on his party failures.

    Of course, this could just be coincidence and be a completely different person.



    Why is Wrexham Council STILL trying to get the LDP Thrown out, their insistent that the population is not increasing as much is absolutely rubbish, i say that because every single new house that is built, is sold within a couple of month of going on sale so more & more houses are needed as well as the amenities associated with them, i also know so many young people that are looking for their first home but cannot find any in their price range & rents are even higher than a mortgage. Less houses built means House prices stay high, the more built the more stable house prices become in the area.

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by newwales.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by newwales.

    Born Acorn

    Pointing out the population hasn’t increased as much is laughable when the population would probably increase naturally if we actually built enough single family homes for families to have kids in over that period.

    Unfortunately too many councillors are just chasing the NIMBY vote so will make up any old dross. I’m surprised they haven’t rolled out the “we’ll just become a commuter town for England” tripe – didn’t really happen for Llay did it – I know a fair few locals who go their first house there.



    So the court case has found in favor of the developers and Wxm Council got to find £100k. Our Council is a total farce which is showing that neither Council Members (some at least) and Council Officers have no professional relationship with which to carry out their role.
    Yet against there is a disjoint between Council Members not taking the advice of paid officials – on this occasion Council Members should hang their head in shame as they walk out of the door from the Guildhall for the last time as they resign.
    Wrexham Council needs to be pit into Special Measures and the Welsh Government should send in the Commissioners to sort this out the same as they did in Angelsey a few years ago.
    People of Wrexham deserve more from their elected representatives.

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