LDP Thrown Out

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    Maybe this is now an opportunity to start completely afresh, using up to date information, rather than some that’s over a decade out of date.
    From the 2021 Census , we know that the population of Wrexham hasn’t grown as much as predicted, some large housing developments have already been built, we have had Brexit and Covid so much has changed. Time to look towards 2030 and beyond , not back to 2013.



    So whose going to produce the plan, the Cheif Officer who produced this one has got an untenable position so have other officers who have put years into the work. Also a need for a new lead Member for planning and economy.



    Notice that the Council Leader was spouting how democratic the decision was to not adopt the LDP. He then spoils it all by also saying that if the vote would have gone the other way then he would have had serious concerns. So, Pritchard is democracy only good if it coincides with your personal opinion? Having worked on the LDP at Wrexham it is obvious that the warring local politicians, many of which can’t intellectually think to a level beyond minor ward issues, will never agree to a County Borough wide LDP. They might rue their decision when development may be imposed on them. And good thing too as they are not fit for purpose.


    Born Acorn

    I suspect many councillors threw it out because if LDP3 becomes a thing it’s probably another decade away.

    If the Welsh Gov imposes it on us then said councillors can shrug and say “well I voted against it”, like water off a ducks back.

    Cynical I know.



    “ Opportunity to start all over again “ To ex councillor crusties like me it is “ deja vu all over again “! I came back on the council to this adage in 2012 ,over a decade ago . The gutless , blame shifting derogation of duty by the current WCBC regime could condemn the residents of Wrexham to more of the same ! Since we last had a viable Local Development Plan expire in 2011 localities have had to fight rearguard actions against developers with , at least , one arm tied firmly behind their back. And this administration will claim this is them ‘ protecting our community!”


    Born Acorn

    Well well well, it seems a legal challenge of sorts has been made so there’s a last chance saloon vote before it goes further.



    New Houses are desperately needed in Wrexham Especially 2 bedroom houses (if the planning can get over the stupid phosphorus in rivers rules) the more houses that are built in Wrexham the better to keep house prices from increasing even faster. If amenities are not in the area like Dr’s, Schools then recruit the Dr’s, & fix the schools not stop the house building, Some Wrexham Councillors seem selfish & not fit for the job.



    The council leader says “ there is desperation to get this (the LDP) over the line by those who support it like the officers and developers!”
    Well I am guessing that the legal officers don’t want a judicial review they know they can’t win and the finance officers don’t want an unnecessary strain on a tight budget. As to developers our leader (sic) and the naysayers totally miss the point- not for the first time . A working LDP puts control on development- indeed that is its role and they have had free rein in Clochmerle for a dozen years now . Time to finish this farce !



    Dear newwales

    “stupid phosphorus in rivers rules”
    Phosphorus pollution in Wales’ SAC rivers is a serious issue which defies easy solutions, with more than 60% of our most precious SAC rivers failing phosphate targets.
    There is no single measure which will solve this crisis and there is no quick fix: the ‘legacy effect’ means that it may take many years before we see any change.

    “the more houses that are built in Wrexham the better to keep house prices from increasing even faster”
    Not happening until phosphorous is sorted – so not for a long time

    “If amenities are not in the area like Dr’s, Schools then recruit the Dr’s, & fix the schools not stop the house building”
    See above about building and where does the money come from to fix schools and the NHS? Have you read about the cost of living crisis and its effects on services? It will get a lot worse before it gets better.

    “Some Wrexham Councillors seem selfish & not fit for the job.”

    BTW Andrew, more like Trumpton than Clochmerle



    If the situation wasn’t so serious, it would be laughable.
    What did amuse me for its sheer ridiculousness was the Council Leaders comment that democracy is losing its place in Wrexham.
    Could someone please remind me when was the last time Wrexham was run democratically? It seems that for years power is vested in one or two individuals supported by a small band of hand picked acolytes.

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