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  • in reply to: Cummings and Goings. #186612


    This is going to be good tomorrow morning:

    So @SophyRidgeSky will ask @grantshapps

    When did Mr Cummings first display symptoms?
    On what date did he travel to Durham?

    Did he stop on the journey?

    If so, did he comply with the 2m rule at all times?

    When was the Prime Minister made aware that he had made this journey?

    Did Mr Cummings remain in self-isolation for the duration of his time in Durham?
    Did he only make one trip, or multiple?

    in reply to: Who is Going to Tell Him ? #186585


    Wrexhamuser, you make a broad range of assumptions on people across the UK who have been forced into furlough or forced into applying for Universal Credit because their main means to earn money to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads no longer exists and because Covid-19 has such a massive impact on the entire global economy some people’s livelihoods have gone for the foreseeable future even if all lockdown regulations are relaxed.

    Large PLCs are laying off tens of thousands of staff to streamline their operations in a post lockdown environment and it’s helping their share price improve but those without jobs will have nowhere to go as their industries have been decimated. What’s going to happen to all the flight attendants, travel agents, entertainment industry staff if activities won’t go ahead or will go ahead at a massively reduced rate for 12 months +. Even Rolls Royce is laying off thousands of skilled engineers.

    Likewise on the smaller end of the scale there are millions of self employed whose businesses have effectively evaporated – the majority can’t afford to lose all their clients for several months and expect enough goodwill and gesture in place for everyone to flood back again once it’s safe to do so. Some people will be leveraging debt and all the liability falls on them and they’ll lose their livelihoods and even their homes.

    It’s not the case of we lift lockdown and it’s some kind of magic wand that returns everything to normal. These people will need support until suitable alternative employment can be found.

    Echo chambers are typically considered to be small and insular, yet even if you check on polls on right wing papers such as the Sun and the Daily Mail – there is an overwhelming urge by the public across all demographics for us to continue to stay safe and approach easing lockdown with caution.

    It’s kind of difficult to view anyone speaking about doing things for the good of society by getting out there when THOSE that are getting out there seem inherently stupid and moronic. So you’ll have to get people with your own viewpoint to start coming across in a less headless chicken manner before the rest of us follow suit.

    Can someone tell me how everyone rushing to the same beaches where shops and bars and restaurants and hotels are all closed is doing anything to boost the economy?

    I personally am not scared of death myself, but taking only intelligent steps and decisions about what is a good idea or a bad idea helps protect my family who rightly would be concerned about dying as it’s a rational instinct. Also in principle prolonging life so you can spend a great number more years contributing to society and the economy – survival of the fittest. Seems like a much better idea than being a whimsical pilchard rushing out to the beach to get sunburned and infected just because I was asked to stay indoors for a bit.

    Everyone knows that a vaccine is probably not plausible but it’s equally not safe to throw caution to the wind yet either.

    It’s more apparent that you have an axe to grind against Welsh Labour and the Plaid Cymru commissioner and even the right to allow decisions about Wales to be made in Wales. Even if you don’t agree with Welsh Labour politics and North Wales Plaid Politics there is nothing to suggest that either Welsh Tories or Westminster Tories wouldn’t do anything worse than create a national disaster for us.

    Since 2010 when David Cameron formed the Lab Lib coalition there has been nothing but austerity for Wrexham and North Wales and a catalogue of disasters one after the other under him, Theresa May and now Boris Johnson. The only Tory loving the ten year list of horrors this Trio of Prime Ministers is Maggie sadly no longer with us, as their shitshow imprinted on multiple generations is making her crimes fade into the history books and out of people’s memories as being the very worst of times for this country.

    You can attack R numbers, you can attack concerns over respirators and claim people are cowards for not wanting to leave their homes – but at the end of the day – these are the sound guiding principles people have been given in Wales to live day to day life by. So you can be Johnny Maverick all you want, but until you are cocksure enough to give use a picture where we can see you strutting about on the crowded beach of your choice – your statements are to be considered pure bravado.

    in reply to: Who is Going to Tell Him ? #186547


    Ranters? The original post and every single thread you have ever created on this forum is a massive rant.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love a good rant on here as well, but you can hardly call people out for when your behaviour is textbook ranting. Also, posted responses to your initial rant provide things like observation, insight and actual facts.

    Whereas you just seem to obsessively make ad hominem arguments against the Welsh First Minister that have nothing to do with the effectiveness of keeping Welsh people safe – in fact saving your bacon, as I imagine you’d be first onto the beach with 100 of your most educated friends ever so religiously observing the whole social distancing as if people aren’t dying. I’ll give you a rant.

    If you give people hope and rope they’ll end up hanging themselves with it. The average person cannot be trusted with their own health and safety, or that of their families or anyone else in the general public. This is why we need rules and laws that are simple and easy to follow.

    Otherwise you end up with Sheriff Bozo’s Wild West in England when everyone thinks essential travel for exercise includes 10,000 people descending on Southend & Bournemouth beaches to get sunburnt 15cm apart.

    Essential travel for food means herding yourself into a traffic queue for 3 hours for some chicken nuggets that are worse than the cheapest frozen nuggets you can get from a discount supermarket. Whilst also blocking off the highway stopping people who have to work from getting where they need to be and vital emergency services.

    Absolutely selfish families bringing Devon and Cornwall to its knees by traffic jamming 2 counties and then flaunting rules by camping overnight. The police can do nothing but issue £70 fines and turn cars round hoping they won’t find a back route in anyway. At least in North Wales there is an effective stay out power and message to protect people from those acting like plague carrying parasites from coming in and raising the R number. These selfish folks with raised temperatures and coughs don’t care if they come and kill someone’s grandma or a care worker or a nurse because they feel well enough to drive on a nice day. They should be self isolating for 2 weeks but want to spread it about.

    Of course you are so high and mighty you will have something clever to tell us all, about how wrong we are, but from where I’m sitting, I’d rather be in Wales now, at home and alive than being a sunburned lobster on an English beach with the infected. Beaches will all be here later in the year and next year without added death risk.

    in reply to: Who is Going to Tell Him ? #186539


    More completely normal and rational behaviour going on in England:

    Reports of 3 hour queues at other McDonald’s in England today.

    in reply to: Who is Going to Tell Him ? #186535


    Yea the new rules are going well in England:

    Lemmings at the beach.

    But we’ll let you get on with your usual rant.

    in reply to: Average speed cameras on the A483 WHY #186298


    Surely no need to issue fines now during lockdown as the reduction in cars should have significantly reduced emissions along that stretch.

    in reply to: Town Access in the PP era #186280


    It would be great to cycle like in Holland, but unfortunately Wrexham isn’t flat like it it is over there, which would deter most casual cyclists. They have also invested in a cycle first policy for years and years with cycle paths often partitioned off completely from the roads. It’s an absolute pleasure to cycle anywhere in the country (except perhaps for Amsterdam – which is mental) – I highly recommend it.

    Also there is next to no bike thief mentality over there as pretty much everyone has bikes and lots of them are plain and generic. Over here you can just tell skaggy the bike thief will be around to take some or all of your flash bike away to flog for his next fix.

    To sum up bike theft in Wrexham, even in my school and the bike sheds – how safe your bike was had some kind of ghetto mentality and your bike was only safe if you were a hard knock from Caia park or came from a family with a reputation.

    in reply to: Agriculture Bill, Third Reading. #186192


    There’s a good reason there wasn’t a Tory MP in Wrexham for 100 years and because it is because they definitely don’t vote in terms of the way the majority of people this town believe in.

    Had people not become one dimensional one policy voters – Get Brexit Done then Ian Lucas wouldn’t have been villainised as he pretty much served the communities wishes on most other issues to the best of his ability.

    How has Getting Brexit Done views even remotely helped in this current crisis? I find it of significant amusement that we were the last to put any kind of people controls on our border, way after most of Europe had closed their borders. So people were still waltzing in Covid infected. In fact Chlorinated Chicken was a Get Brexit Done certainty. What an absolute farce.

    So people who voted in a Tory into Wrexham and Clwyd South you’ve made your own beds when shit goes wrong over the next 5 years. Myself and numerous others did provide fair warning probably both online and offline.

    My hands are washed of it all now – whatever happens, I’m going to make sure my family and friends are okay and then whatever else happens I’m not going to worry about it.

    in reply to: Agriculture Bill, Third Reading. #186131


    Tim, I’m talking about the likes of Aldi, Lidl and Iceland here and including their frozen meats.

    If you can’t afford to eat at these places where can you afford to eat? That would be a separate starvation issue and a reliance on food banks. Because shopping at these locations saves my family hundreds of pounds a month vs bigger supermarkets and it is in fact more cost effective to buy quantities of frozen meat or fish to feed a family rather than several ready meals of dross.

    Any parent wants to make sure their kids and larger family units are only eating decent food and the effect of the horse meat scandal effectively increased buyer awareness of bad meat and forced food producers and retailers to behave themselves.

    Also, surely animal welfare is another side issue? There’s no chickens and cows on the food production line anywhere in the world saying I’m so glad I got slaughtered gently to be consumed by humans. I won’t even go into the whole vegan argument. Likewise environmental issues of meat production is also another side issue – again if people want to try and mitigate some of this then they need to shop local at butchers.

    The key issues here are the Tory government are complete bastards and so is the Trump regime, we all know they will continuously attempt to make capitalist opportunistic gains and things that are harmful to quality of life in particular the worst off in society.

    What I said is clear and decisive intelligent action – the only way to stop products from thriving is to comprehensively boycott them and therefore make them economically unviable. Beat capitalism at its own game. I fully expect people will name and shame stores, restaurants and food producers that foist this dodgy US meat on us and they’ll be forced to stop or lose face.

    The current Tory government have a decisive majority and only voting with your feet will send a message at this point.

    in reply to: Agriculture Bill, Third Reading. #186106


    There’s a quite simple market forces exercise that any British consumers with an ounce of common sense can exercise and it’s quite simply don’t bloody buy American Chlorinated Chicken or Hormone Beef. Why the hell would you want meat that’s travelled 3,000 miles anyway?

    All meat is labelled with their origin, so it’s just the case of buying Welsh Lamb, British Beef, Pork, Chickens, Aberdeen Angus etc…

    That’s what the local butchers will be selling and that’s what even the cheaper supermarkets sell at a decent price.

    More fool anyone for deciding to eat any cheap, tacky produce.

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