Average speed cameras on the A483 WHY

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    Already traffic is backing up where traffic joins southbound at the Gresford roundabout opposite the Tygwyn Estate. The first average speed camera is located just past where the lanes merge.


    Mike Davies

    [quote quote=172437]If this zone is a low emission zone and it’s been reduced to 50mph, can I do 70mph if I drive an electric car, they don’t have an exhaust pipe so there’s no emissions, does not get much lower than that. 😂😂[/quote]

    Interesting thought. However, most electricity generated in Britain is still produced by methods that produce carbon and other emissions. So your electric car will indirectly be responsible for some of these emissions, also if you drive your car faster you reduce the range and therefore use more electricity. 😀



    There are cameras.



    I have no problem with the camera’s, just asking a few questions, and to their true reason for them being installed, and not some rubbish about a low emission zone, if that were the case the whole road should be a 50mph not just a stretch of about 1 mile or less.



    Makes sense now. They are looking at wedges of green fields either side of the Stansty Chain road after the bridge as far as Gipsy Lane, alongside the bypass & up to the Mold Road as far as the Mold Road island for building. The other side of the lane is a wedge alongside the bypass to the farm.



    Concerns how Wrexham’s roads will cope as plans unveiled for over 450 houses near A483

    They must be barking mad. We supposedly have pollution on that stretch of the bypass although we have seen no facts to support this. Green fields lost, Plas Coch school just up the lane, the much lauded gateway into Wrexham will be lost, Stansty tunnel is already a major gridlock for Wrexham when closed. None of these developers keep their promises when it comes to affordable housing. Handy for Sainsburys at Christmas though. The public footpath along Gipsy Lane has been blocked for years. Only residents over the age of 75 knew that Gipsy Lane ever existed.



    Are they fining drivers yet? drove down the bypass this morning if the cameras are working they would of made a fortune this morning vehicles doing more than fifty.



    Surely no need to issue fines now during lockdown as the reduction in cars should have significantly reduced emissions along that stretch.



    Update on BCC and NO speeding fines have been issued to drivers breaking the 50mph limit on three stretches of main road and two sections of the M4 motorway in Wales.

    The limits were introduced as a trial in June 2018 to cut nitrogen dioxide levels and made permanent in 2019.

    Advisory notices will begin to be issued to speeding drivers to explain the reasons for the 50mph limit.


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