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  • in reply to: Media love of left wing militants #224443


    surely, even labour voters must be embarrased by the current left wing militant hijacking of their party. Any strikers should instantly be sacked and any pension and benefits accrued instantly forfeited. They are a disgrace and the media should start treating them as sucj, rather than giving them air time. They wouldnt last 5 minutes in the real world- and i personally cannot wait until ‘strikers’ today are seen for the greedy, work shy, and overpaid greedy people they are. It worked in the 70’s, it isnt the 70’s. give them 1 day in the real world and they would collapse. If you want more money, educate yourself and change jobs.

    What a joy you must be at parties. Hate to break it to you pal but striking is part of this “real world” you speak so fondly of. If you don’t like it, snowflake, stay in your mother’s basement. If you don’t like what you see in the news, here’s a novel idea, don’t digest it. It’s pretty simple even for a card carrying alumnus of “the University of Life”.

    in reply to: Bike Robbery #151429


    It seems a familiar face has resurfaced from his parents’ house. Long term sick (bad back or something, jury is out on the legitimacy of that one after almost two decades), a lacklustre education (the pseudo-academic writing courtesy of dictionary.com), and funnily enough, a proponent of the late, not-so-great Jimmy Savile (allegedly scapegoated by the cultural marxists, and even if he was guilty, it also allegedly doesn’t matter because ‘everyone was doing it back then’). “Political power grows out of [the wrexham.com forums]”. Unfortunately some people are so ostracised (not necessarily due to hardline immigration beliefs – more than likely due to praising Jimmy with every other breath for whatever tinfoil hat reason) that their only outlet is safely behind a keyboard locked in their bedroom.

    If you’re still dossing around Wrexham bus station you should hook up with that MP1953 chap or whatever he’s called and blow your giros on a few lagers at Wetherspoons. You could even place your hand on each others thigh and provide some reassurance that the 7.6 billion (minus 2) people in the world have conspired to keep you jobless throughout your adult lives!

    Unfortunately people don’t usually reply once outed!

    in reply to: Working in Manchester City Centre #137781


    I used to commute Wrexham – MCR. Avoid driving (too much gridlock especially if working in the city centre). The 56 is usually backed up to Stockport unless anything has changed recently. Other approaches are usually backed up too. When you hit the city centre there’s yet another layer of congestion.

    Train is just as bad to be honest. You can go Wrexham > Chester > Manchester Piccadilly (city centre) or go via Crewe. Both take about the same amount of time if the trains match up (1h20 ish) but on the return leg there’s an additional 20 minute wait. Also most of the trains are absolutely rammed at rush hour.

    Not sure about driving then taking a train, might be worth a shot. Go to Stockport and get a train. Or maybe Altrincham and get the metrolink. The metro is frequent and usually pretty good service.

    in reply to: Red Light Jumpers #117054


    [quote quote=116984]Should I post about how utilities are FREE?


    Hang fire. Let me grab my tinfoil hat before you let me in on this magical pyramid, I mean, rhombus scheme.

    in reply to: Wrexham prison name #99026


    [quote quote=98914]I don’t understand why it became undesirable to name the prison after the place it is based. It seemed to become a fad to give prisons obscure names so not as to offend the people living in the town or city in which it was based. Like anyone would be so dumb as to be offended by it.
    It’s the same issue with giving the health boards in Wales stupid names, a recent study showed one of the reasons medical staff weren’t applying for jobs in Welsh health boards is they had no idea where they were.
    No doubt the prison, if the Welsh Gov has anything to do with it, will be given some daft and inappropriate name. They named our health board after a syphlitic whore who died in her own brothel in Liverpool. Not only nothing to do with health, barely anything to do with Wales (she was born in Bala) but unlike BCUHB she was a successful business woman who could manage a screw in a brothel.


    Want to borrow my tinfoil hat?

    in reply to: Stansty bridge crash #98808


    Bravo, you must both feel very accomplished.

    in reply to: Welsh Languge #98272


    [quote quote=98270]

    Perhaps someone would be kind enough to tell me, what useful or necessary purpose does the Welsh language have in the 21st Century. Does it help trade or commerce or is it an unnecessary burden on businesses?
    I live on a street that has a Welsh subtitled name, but I can say, hand on heart, that if asked what it was,I would not have a clue.

    The European Union has twenty four official languages, and yet you say that Wales can not cope with two. On your theses perhaps we should all learn Chinese as China is the fastest growing economy on the planet and obviously in due course there will be very little need for English.


    Actually part of the problem is our proximity to England. By contrast to many languages English is very straightforward and has a good international presence so the world often defaults to it. It can even preferable to Chinese which can sometimes be difficult for native Chinese, but compared to Welsh/Wales, China has a huge population to cope with this

    in reply to: Welsh Languge #98271


    Unfortunately Welsh has a number of factors going against it, and IMO will all but die out (if not already considered to have done so).

    The first is that on the scheme of things, the native Welsh-speaking population is tiny. There’s just over 3m in Wales and only a fraction of this will be those with Welsh as first language.

    English, whilst not the most widespread in terms of numbers, at least in terms of international business and industry is dominant. Being our next door neighbor, it would be inevitable that there would be a movement away from Welsh to English, I think.

    On the subject though, I do think (at least in Wrexham, for instance) it should be opt-in. If it’s still compulsory up to GCSE then I also disagree with this. I absolutely hated it at the time as I thought it was a waste of 2 hours a week as I saw no conceivable use for it. Retrospectively I don’t “hate” it now, I think it was positive to have some sort of cultural awareness, but not to that extent.

    in reply to: Don't just not vote…..VOTE for NONE! #93544


    [quote quote=93499]Remember last years fiasco when 10 labour councillors resigned from the party and jumped into bed with the independents? Not one of them had the decency to call a re-election. This time my vote will be for the person, not the party they associate themselves with.


    This should always be the case, but unfortunately towing the party line is what MPs do best

    in reply to: Prospective wrexham MP's against Fracking? #93259


    There are legitimate concerns about the safety of fracking. The pro-fracking hysterics here are as bad as some of the anti-fracking camp.

    A couple of points.

    Fracking in the UK isn’t going to reduce your energy bills significantly, it’s just a drop in the ocean. Over the last year or so the price of crude oil has around about halved. Will/are you seeing that in your current bills?

    Those in a position to set policy on fracking (government, industry) couldn’t care less about the risks to you. Why would they? Why would David Cameron or George Osborne ever care about polluting some drinking water or causing some tremors and structural damage in Borras, or wherever it is.

    If you really want a clean-ish, cheap energy source, go lobby your MP to push the fusion agenda.

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