Welsh Languge

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    I completely support the right of any individual to speak, read and write in the Welsh Language and Welsh Cultural Heritage I do however take objection to receive a 4 page letter from the Council in Welsh which has one destination only – the bin while I get on and deal with the English element.
    I am referring to the letter that we are all getting this week about who is on the Electoral Roll.
    Surely people should be able to make the choice of which language they wish a document to be sent to them for all public documentation.
    The perpetuation of double printing is one that gets peoples backs up at a time when there are so many cuts to services being made– it is not our job as residents to full up the recycling bags for the refuse collection!
    Can someone please explain to me why I no longer have the freedom of choice to chose the communication language?
    This exercise of creating waste paper must cost Wrexham Council many 10’s of thousands of pounds and across Wales £100k’s.
    Whilst on efficiencies why cant the Council send everything electronic to those that have opted in by supplying an email address- this in fairness is not just a Wrexham issue but UK wide with bureaucracy not catching up with technological communications.



    Any language which has to have a law passed to enforce its use is a dying language. Complete waste of resources.



    Whilst I agree that it is a complete waste of money and resources sending out bilingual communications, it is patently wrong to blame anyone other than the Welsh Assembly for creating the situation in the first instance, by bringing into being the Welsh Language Act. To compound the matter, there is a 164 point plan issued by the Welsh Language Commissioner that certain bodies and institutions must adopt. We have seen recently that the anticipated cost to WCBC alone, comes to something in the region of £700K.
    I agree with danofthewibble’s sentiments entirely in that it should be allowed a natural death and not be forced on people by legislation.
    I am firmly of the opinion that the ‘life support machine’ called the Welsh Language Act should be turned off and matters of a greater national importance should occupy the minds of the Legislators in Cardiff.



    Totally agree, every bit of official mail we get is doubled up and must cost a fortune. It can’t be that hard to have a system where everything is in English and if you want Welsh then you request it or opt in to it.

    I almost posted here last week about the blood donors. I had a letter (welsh and english) telling me all about how they’re changing to the Welsh Blood Service, changes that will include new paperwork etc. I wonder how much that’s costing the hard up health service?



    How long before we get even more in Wrexham “local inhabitants” ….Polish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Punjabi . etc, etc, etc…??????



    [quote quote=98164]How long before we get even more in Wrexham “local inhabitants” ….Polish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Punjabi . etc, etc, etc…??????

    One thing is sure, at least there would be more people who understand those languages!



    There are sentiments on here which the Islamic State would be proud of. You wish to destroy the culture and history of your country (or adopted country), and without a past there is no future. I agree that there is much waste in providing bilingual letters for everything, but to suggest that all transactions should be made in English is dictatorial. This has been attempted before in the form of the ‘Welsh Not’ when England tried to exterminate the Welsh Language, but fortunately these are more enlightened times.

    I would suggest that those of you who do not like the Welsh way of life are living in the wrong part of the country. All are welcome to live here but don’t try to change Wales into a little England.



    I must challenge you on your assertion that those that advocate communications should be in English are acting in a similar manner to the aims of the Islamic state. I have not read that interpretation on this thread, but rather that the option should be available for individuals to receive letters etc in Welsh,if they so desire.
    What IS dictatorial however, is the insistence that ALL official correspondence MUST be bilingual, backed up by legislation and a Code of Practice published by the Welsh Language Commissioner. THAT is dictatorial. Whatever happenened to personal choice?. My freedom has been eroded by statute that I can do very little to bring back.
    You state unequivocally that people ‘who do not like the Welsh way of life are living in the wrong part of the Country’. The Welsh language has little or nothing to do with the Welsh way of life but everything to do with holding on to a language, an ideal, that seriously, serves no useful purpose in modern society.
    Throughout our daily lives, the Welsh language is thrust upon us without remission. Enough is enough.



    Listen here BenM, stop reading my mind and come up with you own thoughts!! :)



    [quote quote=98159]Whilst I agree that it is a complete waste of money and resources sending out bilingual communications, it is patently wrong to blame anyone other than the Welsh Assembly for creating the situation in the first instance, by bringing into being the Welsh Language Act. To compound the matter, there is a 164 point plan issued by the Welsh Language Commissioner that certain bodies and institutions must adopt. We have seen recently that the anticipated cost to WCBC alone, comes to something in the region of £700K.
    I agree with danofthewibble’s sentiments entirely in that it should be allowed a natural death and not be forced on people by legislation.
    I am firmly of the opinion that the ‘life support machine’ called the Welsh Language Act should be turned off and matters of a greater national importance should occupy the minds of the Legislators in Cardiff.


    I’m sorry Benjamin but in your own post you state that the language should be allowed to die a natural death and that no public support should be given to it. Welsh may not be dominant in Wrexham but in some parts of Wales English is the second language.

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