Don't just not vote…..VOTE for NONE!

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  • #93353


    I am not an anarchist or a major political animal, but if there was a candidate standing for the Apathy Party, then he/she would get my vote every time! After the last time where the party who had my X actually won but have been second every since, I decided not to bother at all! But I have just come across another way, VOTE for NONE!

    Its the only way that the vote counters will recognise as a protest vote, most spoilt ballot papers are just dismissed as rejected, but by putting one straight line right through the X boxes and writing NONE through the candidates names it has to be acknowledge. Just a thought!

    see more at



    Id go one step better. There should be a none of the above option on the ballot paper. If that option gets the most votes, none of the other candidates are elected. Some alternative way of slecting an MP would then be needed but whatever option is used, the main parties would be banned from putting up the same candidtates in any subsequent by-election.



    [quote quote=93364]…… the main parties would be banned from putting up the same candidtates in any subsequent by-election.

    To suggest that anyone should be excluded from putting themselves forwards as a candidate in an election is not the way forward really is it ?

    I know there are groups that are excluded ( Judges, Civil Servant, Prisoners etc ), but I think the costs incurred in becoming a candidate need looking at before anything else.

    Having a “NONE OF THE ABOVE” box though ?

    Good idea in my view.

    It would at least indicate to our “leaders” how many really can’t be bothered to get off their butts.

    Makes you ponder why they don’t do this, doesn’t it ???

    And if it takes you too long to ponder this, you shouldn’t be able to vote – joke of course :)



    [quote quote=93364]Id go one step better. There should be a none of the above option on the ballot paper. If that option gets the most votes, none of the other candidates are elected. Some alternative way of slecting an MP would then be needed but whatever option is used, the main parties would be banned from putting up the same candidtates in any subsequent by-election.

    Bit more than one step that.



    Bit more than one step that.


    I agree Mr Ferret, its just madness….ONE STEP BEYOND>>>>>>>>>>>>>



    What a complete waste of time and effort. To go through all of that to do something that won’t get reported and something that most people couldn’t care less about. Yes I understand the apathy but surely there are more constructive things you can do. Also what is your alternative, maybe a nice dictatorship?

    Also whilst on the old soap box people voting Labour to keep the Tories out even though they don’t like labour, you do know for everyone of you doing that, someone is voting Tory to keep Labour out. Get a grip and vote for a party you actually have a belief in.

    Have a look at this and open your eyes, you might just surprise yourself



    [quote quote=93440]What a complete waste of time and effort. To go through all of that to do something that won’t get reported and something that most people couldn’t care less about. Yes I understand the apathy but surely there are more constructive things you can do. Also what is your alternative, maybe a nice dictatorship?

    Also whilst on the old soap box people voting Labour to keep the Tories out even though they don’t like labour, you do know for everyone of you doing that, someone is voting Tory to keep Labour out. Get a grip and vote for a party you actually have a belief in.

    Have a look at this and open your eyes, you might just surprise yourself


    Not sure whether your remarks were aimed at me, but here goes..

    1. How can some be described as apathetic, if they intend to register their dislike of the available parties by creatively spoiling their ballot paper ?
    2. I don’t intend to do so. But I understand and sympathise with those that might.
    3. The link didn’t open my eyes in the slightest. It accurately predicted my politics.
    4. I will not vote with my politics in this case. In the 2010 Election, in my constituency Labour polled 38%. Tories 30%. The 2005 result was 45/25% respectively. I see the gap narrowing further. Not voting Labour makes it all the more likely that the Tories will sneak in by the back door surely ?
    5. I get your point re “someone is voting Tory to keep Labour out”, but it makes no odds.

    It’s called tactical voting, yes ?

    I would rather park my principles for a few years, rather than have this shower in again.



    Anything to get that stinking Cameron OUT…….



    Remember last years fiasco when 10 labour councillors resigned from the party and jumped into bed with the independents? Not one of them had the decency to call a re-election. This time my vote will be for the person, not the party they associate themselves with.



    [quote quote=93499]Remember last years fiasco when 10 labour councillors resigned from the party and jumped into bed with the independents? Not one of them had the decency to call a re-election. This time my vote will be for the person, not the party they associate themselves with.


    This should always be the case, but unfortunately towing the party line is what MPs do best

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