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  • in reply to: Business closures in Wrexham #66225


    @Liam 11315 wrote:

    Today Kellogs are claiming that they’re confident the 140 redundancies will be voluntary. On what planet?!

    It doesn’t matter if the job losses are voluntary or compulsory, its 140 jobs gone from Wrexham.

    in reply to: The Mayor #66383


    @Iceman 11295 wrote:

    The Mayor should be unpaid. All they seem to do is take it in turns to be Mayor.

    agreed, the Mayor of Wrexham is selected from the ‘Ancient Fraternal order of Mystic Mooseheads’ or some other closed shop outfit.

    in reply to: Wrexham ‘Super Prison’ planning has been GRANTED #65224


    HMP Carreg tân

    Just to save those people who will probably spend £50,000 the trouble

    in reply to: Wrexham ‘Super Prison’ planning has been GRANTED #65223


    Surely a name which distances itself away from Wrexham would be better. Call it HMP Chester and see what reaction that would get from across the border!

    in reply to: good site – Wrexham listed buildings #66316


    @Jonesy 11180 wrote:

    Don’t know if anyone has seen this – a good website with pics showing most of Wrexham’s listed buildings. Worth a browse.

    Buildings of Wrexham: Home

    Cheers Jonesy, appreciated

    in reply to: The Best and Worst of Wrexham In 2013? #66278


    @Chris 11102 wrote:

    Quick question Dewi. If the council cant afford to keep current leisure centres open (based on potentially flawed information which cost us 52K ) how do do you think they will afford the 12 million to build a new centre?
    Of course that figure is ever rising and the there will be an additional cost of the decommissioning and demolition of the current facilities.

    The leisure centres are both running under capacity so it makes sense to close one of them.
    The Wrexham baths with its hyperbolic paraboloid roof has always been expensive to maintain.

    in reply to: The Best and Worst of Wrexham In 2013? #66277


    Best – Potentially a new swimming pool and leisure facilities for Wrexham

    Worst – The announcement of the largest prison in the UK to be built in Wrexham

    in reply to: Thank you Wrexham CBC #66127


    @johnhoppy 10773 wrote:

    I admire your wisdom in resurfacing the roads at both ends of Pendine Way at the same time.

    This will have us used to the idea of the lack of bus services when the subsudies are withdrawn in the near future, although admirably, GHA have managed to negotiate the road works in one direction to Summerhill. This is something that must be addressed. Arriva have not managed to complete this section of the route since last Tuesday, getting well into the spirit of the experiment. I notice, that the roadworks will be completed by the end of next weekend, and subsequently after an absence of only 12 days we will have the annoyance of five buses an hour dashing past our front doors. Simply not good enough !

    In all seriousness there are many elderly people living in this area, including sheltered housing, who must feel cut off from the outside world. Almost two weeks without a bus service as a result of road works is not good enough.

    Look on the bright side John and feel smug that the road is getting resurfaced. The road I live on has got more patches than a crew of pirates and is not due to be resurfaced in 2014 either!

    in reply to: Live Parking Info Signs! #65687

    in reply to: Märkischer Kreis #65814


    @Rob 10626 wrote:

    When did twinning start?

    Sounds a post war concept to encourage a connection to condition people not to kill each other. If so, and its a total guess, whats that worth :)

    It was a concept around 60 years ago, surely we need to move forward and understand that these relationships have long since healed.
    I couldn’t care less if the relationship with Märkischer Kreis was dissolved entirely.
    At least the £9000 annual saving can be put to better use, private car reg plates for the Mayor or something else more tangible

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