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    Some politicians don’t like scrutiny!
    Five years ago the new prime minister Boris Johnson illegally prorogued parliament as it did not agree with his vision. Truss and Kwarteng decided their financial plan was so superb they didn’t need the Office for Budget Responsibility. And just this week Sunak evicted a Sky reporter from a Q & A session.
    Not to be left out our Tory/Independent council and their Plaid supporters decided independent scrutiny was too ‘ hot for them ‘ to handle and effectively sacked Audit committee members.
    Scrutiny- not for these non democrats!



    Sounds a bit like the Senedd.



    And your evidence for that wild statement?
    Don’t think the Sennedd have sacked their audit committee, in fact they are looking to widen the body to increase scrutiny!



    How did Mr Gethin come by £200,000 that even his own party doesn’t want to touch?

    Where is the evidence that having a different default speed limit to the rest of the UK is saving lives with both air quality & fatalities?

    Should people taking driving tests since the implimation of the new default speed limit in Wales be required to take a seperate one before crossing over the border.

    Wasn’t there a little problem a while ago with Betsi Cadwaladr?

    Just remind me again how we are better off being stuck with the same government for 25 years. Do we have a better health service, education system or transport network than the rest of the UK?



    Hi Zinger
    Apart from the query on the health board they are mostly issues you raise rather than evidence of a lack of scrutiny in the Sennedd !
    As a Labour Party member I am glad we returned the questionablea donation and made my views clear locally.
    Whilst I agree that improvements needs to be made in the driving test ( does anyone use indicators nowadays ) the idea for a different test for different speed limits nearly got me choking on my breakfast!
    Only 9 months in to the reduced speed in built up areas , don’t swallow the ‘ blanket garbage’, so statistic will be more accurate after a year . However many road safety organisations-Brake ROSPA and environmental bodies -FOE Natural Wales welcomed this move.
    It is probably why a number of other areas , Cornwall, Portsmouth and large areas of London already have it !

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