Posted: Tue 15th Oct 2013

North Wales Skills Conference To Be Held At Glyndwr University for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area
This article is old - Published: Tuesday, Oct 15th, 2013

Business leaders and politicians from across the country will descend on Glyndŵr University for a skills summit.

Skills Conference North Wales is to bring together companies and forge new links to meet the requirements and challenges facing the private and public sectors when it comes to training and education.

Organised by engineering skills organisation SEMTA, EEF (the Engineering Employers’ Federation) and Askar Sheibani, CEO of Deeside telecom and network repair service Comtek, the event will look at how apprenticeships and learning can benefit the economy.

MPs, Assembly members, training providers, head teachers, representatives from Coleg Cambria and giants of North Wales industry will be in attendance at the Wrexham University’s Catrin Finch Centre on November 15.

“The Skills Conference will be invaluable to businesses and training providers, and Glyndŵr University will be at the heart of it,” said Askar.

“What we want is to discuss the issues and get results, so it’s not just a talking shop. There will be politicians there from Westminster and the Welsh Government so we hope to see action for the business community.”

He added: “The event will be looking to address the needs of Wales and the UK. The skills issue is huge and we need to get everyone together so we can highlight the problems we’ve got in improving our economic growth at a grass roots level and higher.

“We need innovative recommendations for Government and to highlight the challenges facing industry today. From this we should follow it up and see tangible results.”

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