BBC Wales Broadcast from Wrexham.

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    The lady from Mold Council gave a real boost to her town’s economy, she spoke eloquently about how local businesses had an excellent relationship with Flintshire Council , how well they work together and how the town has managed to keep their independent businesses, had a large number of events , a thriving market all of which attracts shoppers. On the other hand the talk about Wrexham was negative noting the drop in footfall in the town centre of 24% in the last two years. Of course Mold has cheap car parking and encourages their visitors to stay all day, here in Wrexham for the last two years the Council in their wisdom have prevented shoppers staying more than two hours in many of their car parks. Has the sharp drop in footfall been influenced by the Council’s deliberate policy of restricting dwell time? The reduction in dwell time was imposed by the Council without consultation and they have still not addressed the situation despite many requests from local businesses. They have tinkered with pricing but what is required is an extension of the possible dwell time, in all the Council’s car parks. Let us at least encourage those who continue to shop in Wrexham to stay longer than two hours.

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