The Monitor

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  • in reply to: Volunteers take over from Council Workers #111380

    The Monitor

    Precisely :) ah ….

    in reply to: Volunteers take over from Council Workers #111353

    The Monitor

    Hmm perhaps we should have unpaid volunteer councillors. Now, that would provide a large saving.

    The Monitor

    [quote quote=111089]If only there was some democratic process that would allow more talented candidates to take over from the dishonest and inept incumbents who have occupied these posts for so long.


    I totally agree with you.

    The Monitor

    [quote quote=111053]Two direct quotes taken directly from Monitor’s recent posts.

    “I wonder how much of the undemocratic decisions and motivation comes from non elected Officers……it is very illuminating and clearly demonstrates the influence of the non elected.”

    “Who decides on areas to be developed….NOT the Councillors…..they do not have the knowledge to decide”

    Come on Monitor. Make your mind up time! Which is it to be? Either they provide input or not, it cannot be both ways.

    I too have observed the meetings and have been dismayed on many occasions about the lack of understanding of topics under discussion, clearly demonstrated by some of the questions posed. That is aside from the demonstrable body language from many elected members who would appear to rather be anywhere other than in the Council chamber.

    I tell you quite clearly and categorically, I would rather follow the advice given by Officers based on their experience and expertise rather than a decision made by Councillors purely following the party whip, or what the member for a particular ward desires (irrespective of the fact that what he/she wants is in contradiction with the opinion of its’ residents).

    you question whether Councillors understand the meaning of the term democracy. i think that a more appropriate question would be, do they understand?.

    without the input of Officers, I am totally convinced that, left to their own devices, Councillors would if given the brief to design a horse, would undoubtedly come up with the proverbial camel.


    [quote quote=111053]Two direct quotes taken directly from Monitor’s recent posts.

    “I wonder how much of the undemocratic decisions and motivation comes from non elected Officers……it is very illuminating and clearly demonstrates the influence of the non elected.”

    “Who decides on areas to be developed….NOT the Councillors…..they do not have the knowledge to decide”

    Come on Monitor. Make your mind up time! Which is it to be? Either they provide input or not, it cannot be both ways.

    I too have observed the meetings and have been dismayed on many occasions about the lack of understanding of topics under discussion, clearly demonstrated by some of the questions posed. That is aside from the demonstrable body language from many elected members who would appear to rather be anywhere other than in the Council chamber.

    I tell you quite clearly and categorically, I would rather follow the advice given by Officers based on their experience and expertise rather than a decision made by Councillors purely following the party whip, or what the member for a particular ward desires (irrespective of the fact that what he/she wants is in contradiction with the opinion of its’ residents).

    you question whether Councillors understand the meaning of the term democracy. i think that a more appropriate question would be, do they understand?.

    without the input of Officers, I am totally convinced that, left to their own devices, Councillors would if given the brief to design a horse, would undoubtedly come up with the proverbial camel.


    Read the posts carefully again. They actually mean the same.
    I am not here to argue, but simply to draw attention to matters that concern me and should concern others. It is sad that more of the WCBC electorate do not read these forums. I suppose we should be glad that at least a number of concerned denizens of Wrexham do so.

    in reply to: Wrexham Council building on Greenbelt and School Fields #111046

    The Monitor

    Who decides on the areas to developed and how many houses are to be built on those individual areas. NOT the councillors… they do not have the knowledge to decide. Again, it is the hidden from view, paid officers. It is high time they were called to open public interview! It is high time THEY were exposed to public scrutiny.

    The Monitor

    An excellent summary of the sheer stupidity of this current regime, which appears to have no idea of analysing the proposal and the problems that it will pose to existing residents and the future of Wrexham.

    How much and how many of their decisions are being made by un-elected officers, with either no previous experience or just passing through, moving on to other positions after gaining experience in Wrexham? People who have no real ‘heart’ in the area.

    in reply to: Access to Council information prior to meetings is cut #111023

    The Monitor

    I wonder how many councillors (especially members of the Executive Board and Scrutiny Committee)even understand the word democracy. I also wonder how much of the undemocratic decisions and motivation comes from non-elected ‘officers’. Observation of the behaviour in Full Council meetings and Executive board meetings indicates a serious interference from non-elected ‘officers’.

    It will not be long before web-casts of meetings will cease, as watching them is very illuminating and clearly demonstrates the influence of the non-elected. Try watching the behaviour of the councillors and the non-elected, without getting involved in the content. Now that really points up what is happening.

    Secretive, covert, and undemocratic. Words that sum up the present regime precisely.

    The Monitor

    [quote quote=109743]I totally disagree with you. I went to the meeting and the only people who were rude were the public gallery who shouted the mayor was a liar. It was disgraceful behaviour and unacceptable.


    Disagree as much as you want. People can watch the recorded webcast to get some idea of what went on. The only disgraceful and unacceptable behaviour came from various councillors. The reaction from the public gallery was one of total frustration with the methods used by some Councillors, Lead Members and the inadequate deputy mayor.

    Are you one of those councillors???

    The Monitor

    I totally agree. This council is a mess. No democratic process. The ignorant councillors spent more time discussing their pay and casting insults at each other, than speaking honestly and openly to the concerned public. They prevaricated, ummmed and ahhhed, before giving none answers or simply dodging the issues. The now Deputy Mayor due to be Mayor next is a disgrace. He cannot speak or answer questions without first asking Mr T Coxon for the answer. In fact not much takes place without having been primed or answers written on paper by Mr Coxon or Ms Paterson to be read out by this bumbling man. The treatment of some councillor members by Lead Members, the Deputy Mayor and the Leader of the Executive Board is nothing but downright rude and insulting.

    There must be a way to bring this mockery of a council down without waiting for the next elections.

    Their decisions appear to be self gratifying. Motives, well those need to be investigated by an Authority not of WCBC.

    The Monitor

    I tried watching and listening to that link, but it is another odd circumstance when it comes to Webcasts published by this Council. Item 12 although listed, is not on the webcast. It has obviously been edited out. More devious behaviour by this undemocratic group who have the nerve to call themselves councillors and expect respect from the public.

    More and more they show how they are arrogant and out of touch with the electorate.

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