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  • in reply to: Mark Drakeford Stands Down #244681


    Regardless of your views on Covid adding a few extra rules like 5 mile radius or shopping rules to differentiate yourself was simply a political tool that would have appealed to a certain amount of the electorate at the time this isn’t what you would call great leadership.

    in reply to: Mark Drakeford Stands Down #244427


    The sad reality is what is the alternative. There is nobody that looks intelligent enough or willing to represent us. Right now over the border they are bothered about Gary Liniker tweets, transexuals coming into their bogs, giving money away to Rwanda due to small boats which has ultimately been caused by Labour and Conservative Governments. Labour stopped people from seeking asylum the chance to work which only causes future problems for society, Conservatives stopped the legal routes of entry which increased the small boats. Due to the safety concerns of coming in small boats why would they be turning on the news and thinking the west may have bombed my country or supplied weapons to bomb it but crikey the threat of Rwanda is just too much to handle.

    in reply to: M&S Food Hall Plas Coch #230743


    M&Sness now means putting people on benefits….who knew.

    I wonder where Everlast could go?

    What are these exciting new businesses that are coming to Eagles Meadow. Usually they are announced in the article….but it was clear in the comments on the Leader website why this article was made.

    in reply to: A483 Junction Improvement Cancelled #230741


    At least we have Wrexham FC.

    in reply to: A483 Junction Improvement Cancelled #230740


    The Welsh and UK Governments are an embarassment but this is soley focused on the Welsh, what are they doing for us. The infrastructure is crumbling quite literally in some parts. There is no real investment/alternative solutions just more cuts. We need solutions to problems not causing society to crumble.

    They need to do more to keep the NHS staff happy as this is becoming a huge concern, the longer this drags on the worse the problem gets. You’ll get early retirement if they are part of a couple and they have done the sums, if they cannot cope with the stress they will feel its time to go, some may feel its worth going into other lines of work for more money or a pay cut for less stress. The industrial action and awareness of the issues is not a great advert for getting people excited to work in the profession, so they need to buck up their ideas and come up with solutions.

    Blame the climate and then make cuts to alternative transportation.

    in reply to: Media love of left wing militants #224325


    What you are asking for in this country is to accept whatever we have given by our masters and bow down to whatever they say even if that means job losses, stealing from pension pots, reduction in redundancy terms, not enough staff to achieve quality service, etc. I just hope your message is an excerpt of your latest entry in the “the onion”. You can’t say educate yourself and have spelling and punctuation errors in your message. I will have problems in my message no doubt but I am not telling people to educate themselves. I just hope we move towards a tolerable society and we look after each other better because forum entries like this serve no purpose in a friendly and loving society.

    in reply to: American Election! #195885


    You could say that with the way Democratic primaries went down, however,its not surprising that Trump lost, there are many that would have previously voted third party or for Trump as a protest vote (due to the Democratic party not serving their interests) and they are now sick of him whether it be covid, no further economic stimulus for the people and realising that the swamp is just further highlighted not drained.

    Both parties are toxic and have a corporatist agenda and much of what Trump said during 2016 election was untrue, he packed his team full of people that were from big busness like Goldman Sach’s that were part of the so called swamp. So when people talk of him favourably they don’t look into what he actually stands for. Though at least he added some humour while he screwed over the citizens which is better than nothing i suppose. Though to dismiss the differences between the two would be criminal too its an improvement with Biden but mostly its the decorum that they want restored that’s why you see Republicans supporting Biden.

    in reply to: Drakeford Cancels Halloween and Bonfire Night #195082


    Prohibition of alcohol wouldn’t have been a good idea either. People will already be angry enough, the staff of these retailers have to put up with enough abuse as it is. On top of that customers are analysing them even more, any tickle in their throat or sneeze, they think they should be sacked for coming into work.

    Literally all they have done is create more of a panic than last time in Wales as people don’t know what they are classing as essential or non-essential causing less social distancing as they panic buy even if they really didn’t need the product.

    Surely they are smarter than this or did they want us all to get crammed together.

    The supermarkets were provided a tax break through all this, while like online retailers have also been benefiting from all this so there is no reason for us to feel sorry for the supermarkets. Showing the shift to big retailers and online retailers during all this is rather worrying for the future.


    I have to agree with Matt I couldn’t have said it better myself, though I have never aligned close to any party.

    in reply to: Eagles Meadow #191933


    Does anybody know if Nando’s is going to open? This would mean we will be left with Burger King, while Subway is part of the development you don’t really think of it being as part of Eagles Meadow.

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