Mark Drakeford Stands Down

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    “I will work tirelessly to secure that Labour victory and to continue delivering on the promises we made to people all across Wales in 2021 to deliver a stronger, fairer and greener Wales.” ‌​‌‌​​​‌‍‌​‌​‌‌‌​‍‌​​​‌​‌‌‍‌​​​‌‌​‌‍‌​​‌‌‌‌​‍‌​​‌‌‌​​‍‌​​‌​‌​​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​​‌‌​‌​‍‌​​‌‌‌​​‍‌‌​​‌‌​‌‍‌‌​​‌‌​​

    His real legacy is more like , A Broken Welsh NHS, A Failing Welsh Education system and an infrastructure that is crumbling. He failed to spend the money he was given on the basics , and squandered much on vanity projects like Cardiff airport and 20 mph zones.






    The sad reality is what is the alternative. There is nobody that looks intelligent enough or willing to represent us. Right now over the border they are bothered about Gary Liniker tweets, transexuals coming into their bogs, giving money away to Rwanda due to small boats which has ultimately been caused by Labour and Conservative Governments. Labour stopped people from seeking asylum the chance to work which only causes future problems for society, Conservatives stopped the legal routes of entry which increased the small boats. Due to the safety concerns of coming in small boats why would they be turning on the news and thinking the west may have bombed my country or supplied weapons to bomb it but crikey the threat of Rwanda is just too much to handle.


    Born Acorn

    Makes sense. He said he was going to back in 2020, and any later than now risks the new leader election interfering with possible General election run-ups.

    We won’t see 20mph go away (get on to your councils for that) but I’m hoping the road building moratorium is lifted by the new leadership – Gething is particularly pro-road.



    The best thing for Wales would be to have an election for new MSs instead of the Croud that are there at the moment – constitutionally I don’t this this can occur.
    Stuck with the three potential candidates they all have a lot of negative baggage – Vaughan Gethin was Health Minister that took Betsi Health Board out of Special Measures when clearly not ready, he was also Health Minister large portion of Covid when it first started – he made many mistakes that can attribute excess deaths to the Welsh Government due to positive testing patients being admitted to care homes. He is also been supporting Mark Drakeford in not having a Wales specific Covid inquiry – he has admitted to the Covid Inquiry that he didn’t read vital briefing papers. He is someone who totally will not stand any scrutiny or questioning issues and even walks out on TV interviews.
    Eluned Morgan – is the current Health Minister and most people realise that Health is in one of the worst states it has been for 25 years of Devolution, she put Betsi back into Special Measures who now say it will be 10 years to improve! In the meantime unnecessary deaths occurring and malpractice reported nearly every week at Coroners across Wales.
    Jermy Miles – Education Minister presiding over the worst PISA comparison results in Wales for decades- more mailing of our young people as they go through learning but end up with very poor attainment levels.
    Outsider is Hannah Blythin from Flintshire – carries certainly far less baggage than the other three.
    The system in our electoral process though is not democratic- unless you are a member of the Welsh Labour Party you have not say in who will represent the country you live in.
    We all need to remember we have the new First Minister through to the next Senedd election in May 2026!!


    Councillor X

    People have forgotten Mark’s leadership during COVID which was far better than the English solution and instead his legacy will be the 20mph speed limits.

    I am lucky enough to have been invited to his leaving party on 24th March so starting off after dinner so i get there on time.



    Councillor X, I hope that the covid comment was written tongue in cheek.



    People have forgotten Mark’s leadership during COVID which was far better than the English solution



    Captain C

    His leadership at all levels was amazingly bad. To say that it was the best over Covid beggers belief.



    Regardless of your views on Covid adding a few extra rules like 5 mile radius or shopping rules to differentiate yourself was simply a political tool that would have appealed to a certain amount of the electorate at the time this isn’t what you would call great leadership.

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