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  • in reply to: 20 MPH Zones #236893


    According to a six year ROSPA survey the risk of death @ 20mph is 5% and at 30mph is 45% . Thus the government action will cut the pressure on the NHS as preventing injury is better than dealing with the effects.
    Also cheaper as the cost of dealing with one serious injury to the NHS and care services is estimated at £1m ,thus the cost of promoting the scheme is relative peanuts.
    Mind if you MUST get to the shops 5 minutes early !

    in reply to: LDP Thrown Out #236323


    Llay – blooming predictive text !

    in reply to: LDP Thrown Out #236322


    Four years ago ( almost to the month Ms Atherton as a humble community councillor, wrote an article in a local magazine “ A councillor’s view”. It purported that it came from the whole council despite not being shared beforehand with members or the clerk .
    Let’s put that aside though and concentrate on her message. She was ,then , concerned with uncontrolled planning, some in Gresford and others elsewhere e.g. Dean Road , and in Clay. NOW her view , in her more exalted position (sic) is the best way to tackle uncontrolled planning is to praise those who reject the element of control that an LDP brings . As has been said elsewhere it beggars belief that a ‘ lawmaker’ seemingly praises those who go against legal advice . Oh silly me I’d forgotten the government’s breaches of international law , not to mention the unlawful advice to the late queen in 2019 !

    in reply to: LDP Thrown Out #235953


    I think Derek J and I are singing from the same song sheet . Anyone who doesn’t get it that NO PLAN=NO CONTROL is a posturing pseudo democrat . They may seek photo ops or rail against 42 houses here or 100 + houses there but their planning incontinence green lights much more and little if any control !
    Personally I would give land bank developers a limited time to take up the planning options they are given , but that is probably another political debate !

    in reply to: LDP Thrown Out #235872


    Oh dear it looks like some still don’t get it and are trying the ‘ populist stance’
    Some parties are saying “ the local plan just has five years to go !” Utter tosh of course because we haven’t had a local development plan for a dozen years and they want to avoid their duty and grant a five year extension.Words fail me .
    As to “ a conspiracy of developers “ welcoming an LDP
    whoever thinks that hasn’t been using their eyes !
    Developers much prefer no plan so they can cherry pick the best sites for them!

    in reply to: LDP Thrown Out #235558


    In answer to Benjamin M the last time there was a smattering of democracy in WCBC was pre May 2015 . Before that since it’s inception the council had a political balance from the Executive Board down !
    In answer to the naysayers, who are peddling the myth that they are fighting development by attacking flaws the truth is the result will be exactly the opposite to their claims. No LDP means no control of the situation, that is why every other council , regardless of political persuasion has got one ! If these ‘ Wrexham populists need proof I invite them to visit the straight mile in Llay . There are around 365 bits of proof of the idiocy of having no plan there . ‘ Other examples of this are available across the county!

    in reply to: Happy Birthday Groves #235557


    The Labour run council 2012-2014 ( September) were actively seeking with Coleg Cambria, to make a good educational use of this building, as per the covenant.
    The Independents and Tories took over – thanks you renegades you know who you are- and kiboshed that .
    As they have no concept of plans or strategy that is why this , and many other things have drifted!

    in reply to: LDP Thrown Out #235440


    The council leader says “ there is desperation to get this (the LDP) over the line by those who support it like the officers and developers!”
    Well I am guessing that the legal officers don’t want a judicial review they know they can’t win and the finance officers don’t want an unnecessary strain on a tight budget. As to developers our leader (sic) and the naysayers totally miss the point- not for the first time . A working LDP puts control on development- indeed that is its role and they have had free rein in Clochmerle for a dozen years now . Time to finish this farce !

    in reply to: Sarah “deserves credit” for backing the Athletic! #234389


    Not the only words she has missed out in her ‘ report from Westminster’! The bit about Gresford Lake should read ‘ I was glad to write a letter of congratulations AFTER hearing of the success of the bid I had nothing to do with’.

    in reply to: Sarah “deserves credit” for backing the Athletic! #234285


    Not only achieved success at the Racecourse but our MP managed a ‘success’ in achieving a £48k grant for a project in the village she lives in . That is despite not being on the council that was an integral part of the bid for over 3 years, and spending precisely NO time in the formulation and preparation of the bid !
    How does she do it ?

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