20 MPH Zones

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    Surely the Council have a map showing all the roads to be restricted in a few weeks time along with one showing which roads will not be restricted. How else can they be so sure of the costs and plan the staff work programme. Another case of keeping the things secret from the public!



    Yes very true,give it 18 months our 60mph and 70mph roads will end up being 50mph.They put an extra tax on our beer in the supermarkets and last week told us our meal deals will end.And in 2025 our council taxes will go even higher as tax payers will end up paying for many at the bottom of the scale on universal credit.



    This is obviously a priority for the labour Welsh Government. Haven’t seen a figure for the cost of the roll out nationally although the budget for advertising the change is £800,000 alone. On the list of “needs and “wants” , the need to sort the Welsh NHS should have priority. Are 20 MPH zones urgently needed ? Cutting hospital waiting lists would be the top priority for most people. 20 MPH is an easy option to implement solving the NHS problems is far more complex and seemingly beyond the Welsh Government.


    Born Acorn

    Yes very true,give it 18 months our 60mph and 70mph roads will end up being 50mph.

    This has already largely happened over the past decade for 60mph roads.



    According to a six year ROSPA survey the risk of death @ 20mph is 5% and at 30mph is 45% . Thus the government action will cut the pressure on the NHS as preventing injury is better than dealing with the effects.
    Also cheaper as the cost of dealing with one serious injury to the NHS and care services is estimated at £1m ,thus the cost of promoting the scheme is relative peanuts.
    Mind if you MUST get to the shops 5 minutes early !



    Any link to the ROSPA study ?



    I just googled ROSPA – urban speed limits .



    An interesting read.

    “20mph limits are most appropriate for roads where average speeds are already low, below 24mph, and the layout and use of the road also gives the clear impression that a 20mph speed or below is the most appropriate.
    Although a high proportion of urban roads are suitable for 20mph limits, RoSPA does not believe that 20mph speed limits are suitable for every road in a local authority area. They should be targeted at roads that are primarily residential in nature and on town or city streets where pedestrian and cyclist movements are high (or potentially high), such as around schools, shops, markets, playgrounds and other areas. Roads which are not suitable for 20mph limits are major through routes.”



    Agree Participant

    Let’s build this initiative on the science and statistics and not on ‘ who shouts loudest ‘ or which article in the media ( sponsored by big oil) you need to regurgitate!



    “Welsh Government say direct financial cost of the 20MPH policy is estimated to be around £33 million – with the Lead Member saying £500k will be due to roll out in Wrexham ”

    In the present economic situation wouldn’t this money be better spent by dividing it between every County Council in Wales , equating to just over a million pounds each. Money to be spent on “needs” not “wants”. Pushing back 20MPH role out , not cancelling it.

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