Posted: Tue 1st Dec 2020

Council budget consultation launches amid uncertainty what future settlement could hold for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area
This article is old - Published: Tuesday, Dec 1st, 2020

What do you think we should do to make savings?

That is the question being asked by Wrexham Council as it launches its now annual ‘Difficult Decisions’ budget consultation.

It comes amid expectations that Wrexham Council will be facing a shortfall of approximately £18 million for the period 2021-24, depending on what settlement is issued from Welsh Government.

This figure is in addition over £64m since of cuts and savings already made by the local authority since the economic crisis in 2007/2008

As part of the first phase of the budget, the public consultation contains just two questions – how do you think Wrexham Council can make further cuts to meet the financial challenge and if you have any alternative suggestions for provision of these services/areas of expenditure.

Specific proposals may need to be consulted on more widely in the second phase of the consultation process in January 2021.

In a disclaimer, Wrexham Council have released a “few points to think of when putting your ideas together”-

  • The council legally has to provide some services such as social care for adults and children, and schools/education
  • There are costs that have to be paid, such as for waste disposal or housing benefits
  • Efficiencies can be made to these areas, but the service must still be provided
  • Many of the cuts will come from other discretionary areas
  • The local authority also need to consider ways to raise income and sources of income, such a Council Tax levels.

Cllr Mark Pritchard, leader of the council, said: “In Wrexham, our medium term financial plan indicates a shortfall of approximately £18 million for the period 2021-24.”

“This is in addition to the £11 million already saved over the last three years (including the current financial year).

“Over the period since the start of austerity the Council have made cuts and efficiency savings of over £64m. We are asking you to let us know how you think these savings can be made.

“No decisions have been made – we need to hear what you have to say before we can make them.”

Cllr Hugh Jones, lead member for people – communities, partnerships public protection and community safety, said “Once again, there are difficult decisions that have to be made and your suggestions will play an important part in how we plan to make the necessary cuts to our budget.

“Every Wrexham resident could be affected by any proposed changes so it’s vital that as many people as possible take part in this consultation.”

We asked Council Leader Cllr Pritchard if the question was vague, and if members of the public replied suggesting cheaper laptops and ipad devices or councillor pay freezes would that be listened to. We also asked how such a wide question can be put to the public who may not have detailed knowledge of how council budgets work.

Cllr Pritchard replied, “I think the most important thing is that we engage with the people in Wrexham, it is a bit different this time because of COVID-19, and because of the lateness on the announcement of the budget, which will be announced very shortly by the Welsh Government.

“It is important we listen, and we do, we look at everything, we look at the good and the bad. Everybody will have their own areas that they want to look at, some people who have got young children will want to support keeping all the sports facilities open. If you haven’t got any children and you just go to the library, you’ll want to support the library. So it’s a mixed bag.”

“We do take it very seriously. The most important thing is that we do it and I ask everyone to take part in it and participate.”

“I don’t think it is vague, just an open opportunity.”

Deputy Leader Cllr David A Bithell said, “What we’re asking the public to do is, what’s important to you? If, and I say if, because nobody’s made any decisions on any cuts as yet, but we do have to prepare as a council just in case we do get a poor settlement from Welsh Government.”

“We are hoping, with the assembly election next year our members of the Senedd will give us a 5% increase, which means effectively, that we won’t have to do many cuts at all.”

Council Chief Executive Ian Bancroft added, “It is the most unpredictable budget settlement to know what is going to happen as a result. I think if my Chief Finance Officer was here, he would say it is the hardest that we’ve ever had to have any idea what the level of settlements going to be.”

” I think there’s a real danger that we start hares running about cuts that might not be needed, or that we presume that we’re going to get a settlement that means we’re fine.”

“We are actually doing more than a number of other councils in terms of going out to the public to try and get views in advance of the settlement. Then, we’ll have to take those views on board in light of what the settlement says, and then clearly come back out on specific issues, if we need to, once we know what the situation is”.

The Leader of the Council reiterated a message he has made in recent months over future budget settlements, “If there was ever a time from any government, Westminster or Cardiff, to realise what an important role local authorities play at local level, regional and national in delivering services it is now. That is delivering things like Track Trace Protect, the funding with reference to the businesses support, we’ve kept on delivering our services in the thick of Covid-19, waste collection, childrens services, education, everything that comes with it. If there is a time, the time is now for both governments to invest.

You can take part in Wrexham Council’s budget consultation until December 13 via one of the following methods:

  • Complete this survey – either online or on paper.
  • Attend the virtual public zoom session on Monday, December 7 2020, 5pm-6pm (register your interest at [email protected] by Thursday, December 3. Please let Wrexham Council know your name, and whether you are representing any group or organisation).
  • You can write to the local authority at ‘Tell Us What You Think’, 3rd Floor Annex. The Guildhall, Wrexham LL11 1AY.
  • Or email [email protected] (please mark your correspondence ‘Difficult Decisions’)


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