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  • in reply to: Lowering Voting Age to 16 Years Old #252235


    Another interesting point.
    There is no minimum age for a shareholder unless imposed by a provision in the company’s articles of association. Likewise for people with significant control. But you cannot appoint a minor under the age of 16 as a director or company secretary.
    So, at 16 you can have, effectively, control of a company of any size!
    Something I came across when checking on a local company!

    in reply to: Lowering Voting Age to 16 Years Old #252186


    In answer to why 16.
    How about, that’s the age of recruitment to the forces as a regular soldier?
    Old enough for that decision, old enough to vote. Or do you propose moving the recruitment age to 18 as well.
    Just look at the history of voting.
    Initially only landowners.
    It took until 1832 for middle class men to get the vote and it took a World War to give working men the right qt 21 years of age. But still very few women.
    A further 50 years passed before a reduction to 18 years of age.
    Even then the rules excluded many, I suspect for political reasons.
    It was extremely annoying to know that I was working, paying taxes, etc yet had no say in things!
    The only positive was there was no longer the lunacy of national service.

    in reply to: Lowering Voting Age to 16 Years Old #252118


    I’m sure 16 year olds would appreciate, and deserve, a say particularly when governments are proposing contentious legislation that would impact on them specifically, before they have a chance to vote.
    Amongst my peers I’ve certainly not seen overall condemnation of the idea, it’s a mixed set of opinions with many pros and cons amongst a group of mainly pensionable age.
    Considering what you can hear spouted by “adults”, when discussing the state of the nation, I can’t see youngsters being any more contentious or ill informed!

    As for who to vote for, it’s more of a matter of who not.
    Personally, I’ve had enough of the current bunch of charlatans!

    in reply to: Traffic Wardens #251286


    Coinciding with Focus Wales when town has a huge influx of visitors! Not exactly keeping a welcome in the hillsides! Lets hope it doesn’t leave a bad taste for some of those visitors or they might not be back.

    in reply to: Time for Rob and Ryan #248816


    Not brilliant in England!

    The Countess of Chester Hospital the nation’s worst for queues – with every 12th patient having to wait more than 12 hours to be admitted, transferred or discharged.

    Around 8% waiting more than 12 hours.
    It’s pretty much the same in Wales.

    Looking at the root causes of the problem you will find the rot started after 2010!
    It’s centrally funded from the UK government.

    in reply to: Budget gives Wales £170 Million #248377


    To put it in perspective.
    MPs have expressed fury as the chancellor announced £242 million of levelling up funding for Canary Wharf in the Budget.

    Liberal Democrat MP Tim Farron sarcastically wrote on X, “brilliant levelling up news for the rural left-behind Northern town of Canary Wharf…”, and Westminster Leader of Plaid Cymru Liz Saville-Roberts said “Westminster’s priorities are clear for all to see”.

    in reply to: The Midland #244211


    Floor like a skating rink, acoustics terrible, glare from so many TVs distracting.
    Sorry to be so negative but just my immediate reaction.
    Can’t comment on the beer as I didn’t get as far as the bar!

    in reply to: Lower Berse Farm Development #235816


    It is an absolute fact that there is a dire shortage of accommodation in the County Borough (as witnessed by WCBC’s social housing figures) and the daily posts by people seeking housing in the private sector.

    This sort of development doesn’t help with social housing.
    There’s only mention of 15% “affordable” housing. I wonder how far they will attempt to cut that back?

    possible amenities, such as shops, a nursery, a café and other facilities.

    So, no set in stone commitment and no mention of medical facilities,

    The bus access information is very misleading as much of the site will be in excess of a 30 in walk to a regular bus service.

    in reply to: Plaid Health Plan for the future #229937


    Not a Plaid supporter but – repeating something that’s not been previously suggested, but not act upon, doesn’t mean the idea wasn’t valid.
    Many good ideas aren’t acted upon, many bad ideas bad are perpetuated!
    It’s probable that your comment wasn’t considered worth responding to!

    in reply to: Levelling Up funding rejection – misinformation #229567


    I have had a number meetings with Sarah Atherton as I have had with Lesley Griffiths. They both do their jobs and get things done for Wrexham. I feel that with some people Sarah Atherton can never do right as they are brain washed to hate her party and will never see the good things she does.

    Try telling that to the numerous people Atherton has blocked and those still waiting for replies to emails sent right from the start of her period in office.
    Those actions, or lack of them, are down to her and little to do with the party she represents.

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