We can’t cope with demand of extra houses’ says Wrexham GP practice

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  • #170596


    [quote quote=170573]The Nazis played around with Eugenics. The Brexiteers are currently supporting a Leave EU option in part because of high immigration levels.

    All have been panned by some people for their Politics, some deservedly so


    Also very interesting to say the least that the Brexit Party chose to take a leaf out of the Nazi Party political playbook by turning their back to an established parliament they don’t agree with.

    Back Turning

    Not the main topic or point of this conversation but still an odd choice to make for them when one seeks to distance themselves from such comparisons.

    Although I will hand it to the Brexit Party – at least they are not the ones with the lunatics spouting out about playing with eugenics. Rabid Tory Toby Young is the prince of darkness on that score – “Advocated what he termed “progressive eugenics”. Young proposed that when the technology for genetically engineered intelligence is practical it should be allowable for a decision to be made by poor parents with low IQs over which embryos should be allowed to develop using intelligence as a marker.” Sinister or what.



    [quote quote=170580]AlunH,
    Demand driven supply?

    So where is the school in Brymbo, or the Doctors Surgery?

    The Surgery in Summerhill was under health board control, as is Strathalyn.

    Borras surgery was struggling and Gresford/marford/Llay/Rosset is not coping either.[/quote]

    I’ve got no personal investment in the issue either way. All I’m pointing out is that we can’t have the argument pointing in two different ways at the same time. The problems that you outline are common everywhere across the UK yet it seems that no one has an answer to it above and beyond suck it up or merely force people onto the streets. As things stand, with record numbers of people coming into the UK over the last few months (net), there will be ever more pressure to build houses virtually on top of houses. If someone has an answer, please mail it in to either a Mr J. Corbyn or Mr B Johnson for their perusal



    Godwin’s law has been fulfilled in only 6 posts on the subject of shortage of GPs. This must be a new record surely?



    [quote quote=170619]Godwin’s law has been fulfilled in only 6 posts on the subject of shortage of GPs. This must be a new record surely?[/quote]

    Which was my thought too, pathetic isn’t it?


    AMA Express

    [quote quote=170612]
    …there will be ever more pressure to build houses virtually on top of houses. [/quote]

    That’ll be flats then.



    [quote quote=170621]

    …there will be ever more pressure to build houses virtually on top of houses.

    That’ll be flats then.[/quote]

    Apartments these days AMA, apartments :)



    How an Earth a conversation about local GPs quickly descends into a discussion about Nazism and eugenics is beyond me. If this is the level of political discussion among voters in this area, then no wonder it’s in such a mess.



    [quote quote=170812]How an Earth a conversation about local GPs quickly descends into a discussion about Nazism and eugenics is beyond me. If this is the level of political discussion among voters in this area, then no wonder it’s in such a mess.[/quote]

    Pretty certain that a couple of comments on one singular thread containing less than 0.00001% of the local voter base isn’t the reason why the political landscape in this country is messed up.

    I tell you what I find more highly surprising – the number of people coming across as outraged that Nazism was brought up in the conversational equivalent of cloud cuckoo land (here) than the very real and worrying threat that in less than a decade or so there’s not going to be enough GPs to go round all the people that need seeing in this area.

    That means people are going to die that didn’t need to – perhaps they already are. Others are going to live in serious pain for longer or go undiagnosed with potentially life threatening illnesses.

    Those who can afford to will pay to see a Bupa or other private GP – those who can’t will have to wait months to get an appointment.

    This is a very real issue we are going to have to face in the present and future not something from the past.

    It is clear that even though it’s a public healthcare system – more money needs to be put into it so that more GPS want to seek the opportunity – no doctors are truly altruistic – they all want to make a decent living.

    In a perfect world we could crank the economics and logistics of the doctoring world so that it worked like the supply and demand for certain discount German supermarket chains.

    You get a growing number of houses and population and bam another bloody Aldi pops up to meet the needs of all the consumers. It’s a very crude example – what with it taking significantly longer to train up a GP than a shelf stacker.

    But you look how we’ve structured the country so that it’s really easy to get hold of 50p loaves of bread and 30p tins of beans – no-one will ever be short of these goods – but vital medical services – we seem to have cocked that one up. Perhaps we have our priorities wrong.



    [quote quote=170814]

    How an Earth a conversation about local GPs quickly descends into a discussion about Nazism and eugenics is beyond me. If this is the level of political discussion among voters in this area, then no wonder it’s in such a mess.

    I tell you what I find more highly surprising – the number of people coming across as outraged that Nazism was brought up in the conversational equivalent of cloud cuckoo land (here) than the very real and worrying threat that in less than a decade or so there’s not going to be enough GPs to go round all the people that need seeing in this area. [/quote]
    Cognitive dissonance. It’s a knee-jerk reaction when one’s preferred single-issue political party is called out.



    [quote quote=170817]

    How an Earth a conversation about local GPs quickly descends into a discussion about Nazism and eugenics is beyond me. If this is the level of political discussion among voters in this area, then no wonder it’s in such a mess.

    I tell you what I find more highly surprising – the number of people coming across as outraged that Nazism was brought up in the conversational equivalent of cloud cuckoo land (here) than the very real and worrying threat that in less than a decade or so there’s not going to be enough GPs to go round all the people that need seeing in this area.

    Cognitive dissonance. It’s a knee-jerk reaction when one’s preferred single-issue political party is called out.[/quote]Suggesting anyone who doesn’t like Godwin’s Law being invoked in an internet discussion is some kind of far-right loon? Whenever I’ve been with people discussing politics, the moment someone has too much to drink and starts making Hitler comparisons people start yawning and looking at their watches. Perhaps some people need those visual indicators to let them know when they’re being a bore.

    What I’m concerned by is the constant green light being given to large housing developments that often won’t even be housing local people, they’re out of their price range. Yet the local infrastructure clearly can’t handle it. Obviously there’s growing problems on a national level, but we’re not really doing much to help ourselves at a local level on this.

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