Posted: Thu 10th Aug 2023

Plans to improve mobile coverage in Brynteg with new 5G mast for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area
This article is old - Published: Thursday, Aug 10th, 2023

Mobile network coverage could soon be boosted in the Brynteg area under new plans submitted to Wrexham Council.

Applicants Cignal Infrastructure UK Limited have proposed that a new 15m high ‘slim line’ 5G mast is installed on the junction between Long Lane and Darby Road, Brynteg.

Several other locations were considered for the slim line pole, including Holboron Cresent, Darby Road, Bakery Fields and Goleu.

However these were all discounted due to issues including unsuitable pavements, visibility splays and high density residential areas.

The proposed location of the mast has been described by the applicants as the “best available compromise between extending 5G service across the target ‘coverage hole’ with the selected street works pole height and associated antenna and ground-based cabinets restricted to the absolute minimum.”

The applicants continue onto say: “It is recognised that the very nature of installing new 5G communications infrastructure within an urban setting requires a well-measured balance between the need to extend practical coverage with the risk of increasing visual intrusion.

“Cignal Infrastructure UK Limited are in the process of building the UK’s fastest 5G network and has 140MHz of 5G spectrum (and 100MHz of it contiguous), which means our service will be much faster and shall have the ability to handle more data.

“In making this technology available to customers, CK Hutchisons Networks (UK) Ltd will need to provide a mix of upgrades involving existing sites and the building of new sites.

“New sites will be needed for many reasons, including the higher radio frequencies used for 5G, which do not travel as far as those frequencies currently in use.

“The site selection process has also been influenced by the topography of the area, trees and shrubbery around the vicinity of the site. The apparatus (pole and associated cabinets) will be carefully positioned on a small area of existing footpath, so not to impede pedestrians and to have the trees and shrubbery within the vicinity provide some screening.

“Please note, the design itself is typical of street furniture found in such urban locations.

“The equipment is considered unlikely to have any material impact on the local area; however, it should bring significant connectivity improvements, which is a material consideration in the judgment of the site suitability.

“The cell search area was assessed at the survey stage from the perspective of planning and residential amenity.”

The applicants add: “The government considers that high-speed mobile connectivity is the lifeblood of a community.

“Cignal Infrastructure UK Limited is committed to providing improved network coverage and capacity, most notably in relation to 5G services.

“Considering the site-specific factors and technical constraints, available options and planning constraints, it is considered that the proposed pole clearly represents the optimum environmental solution to extend coverage to the target community.

The use of the public highway to accommodate a new telecommunications installation complies with both central government and local planning policy guidance where the underlying aim is to provide an efficient and competitive telecommunication system for the benefit of the community, while minimising visual impact.

“In this instance, following an initial desktop survey and subsequent physical search of the intended area, due to the nature of the proposed equipment, location (footpath with existing trees within the vicinity), existing street furniture (including street lighting columns), after careful analysis, we believe the proposed site will minimise any visual impact upon the immediate and wider area, while at the same time, significantly improving communications within the local vicinity.”

The application will be considered for approval by Wrexham Council at a later date.

Picture: Google Maps

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