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  • in reply to: Old Carnegie Library #231651


    If you download the brochure for the old Library from Legat Owen, you can see what a mess the Council has made of the interior of the building. The brochure claims the some of the original features are still in place – if they mean the wooden windows, then they’re going rotten and looks if they haven’t had a coat of paint for decades.
    Wrexham Council, whether councillors, Executive councillors or council officers, obviously have no interest in maintaining Wrexham’s architectural heritage.

    in reply to: Plaid Health Plan for the future #229939


    The only way that Wales can ever achieve a health service is to press and campaign for full independence. While Wales is part of the UK, subservient to Westminster, and dependent on ever-increasing handouts, we’ll never have a health service that works for people of Wales.
    The current health service under Welsh Labour is struggling, not because of any lack of talent, but because of a lack of vision and foresight. Any plan put forward now won’t be seen as viable.
    Welsh politicians of all parties need to sign up, at the very least, to a 10 or 15 year plan and commit to making that plan work. But while we have Tories in the Senedd that will never happen.

    in reply to: Levelling Up funding rejection – misinformation #229675


    It wasn’t Ms Atherton who made the selection of winning bids.
    This bid was never a winner from the start. A new stand for the Cae Ras, however much desired by the fans, was only going to be in use for probably 35 – 37 days a year for home matches. For the remaining 330 days, it wouldn’t be accessible to the public. During the close season from Mid- May fo early August at the height of tourist season there would be zero usage of the stand.
    Compare this with the winning bid for Froncysyllte, which aimed to open the World Heritage up for greater footfall the whole year round.
    On reading the whole list of winning bids, they all open up venues/projects etc on a 7 day a week basis.
    Conflating the new stand with the Wrexham Gateway has now left both projects hanging in mid-air.
    Rather than venting any ire at the MP, attention should be turned to whoever on the Council put this bid forward, and asking why it went ahead in the firm it did.

    in reply to: Clwyd South MP Baynes votes for tax cut. #215401


    Should’ve voted Corbyn, mate. We did warn you!

    in reply to: A483 – 50mph zone #215397


    Climate crisis? What climate crisis? I want to drive my lovely shiny car at 70mph and I don’t care if the Earth heats up!

    in reply to: Social Media comments and ‘old’ Councillors #210212


    We need to ask all councillors, regardless of affiliation, three questions

    1) do you use your local bus services, and if not why not?
    2) which councillor is the champion for disabled people?
    3) how much public consultation was there for the levelling up bid for the Racecourse?

    in reply to: Wrexham MP #193402


    She’s not the MP for Wrexham, she’s the MP for the Armed Forces

    in reply to: NHS #190170


    She’s since said that the NHS will not be included in any trade talks.
    I’d say to her “prove it”

    in reply to: Our MP is off to a flying start… #181034


    Jonathan Ashworth does say that the A & E situation in N Wales is unacceptable, but he goes on to point out that the NHS in England is in a worse situation
    “It is unacceptable, and sadly it is happening constantly in the English NHS. Of course, on certain performance targets there is improvement in Wales; there is no improvement on any performance targets when it comes to A&E or electives in the English ​NHS.” (Hansard 27/1/2020)
    But she makes no mention of this.
    Her intervention on brewing was hardly earth-shattering
    “A few years ago, I owned and ran a microbrewery, so I know some of the difficulties facing breweries, including the fledgling Magic Dragon brewery in Wrexham. I urge the Minister to support the cut in beer duty and increase small brewers relief.” (Hansard 5/2/2020)
    A total of 8 interventions to date, plus lots of photographs of her holding various placards from charities and lobby groups. Blistering!

    in reply to: Fed Up Tired and Scared. #177766


    The media obviously looking for Wrexham to go Tory in order to generate a raft of news articles and comments.
    Coverage like we’ve seen this week becomes self-fulfilling as those shy Tory voters, who would otherwise consider their vote to be wasted, come out in their droves if they think they have chance.

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