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  • in reply to: Councillor end of term reports #68447


    Benjamin — please provide the link
    Also does anyone know what the minimum attendance is to still qualify as surly there must be something — they can’t be kept in as a member if there is no attendance.

    in reply to: Councillor end of term reports #68446


    Many thanks for this and good to see that you have entered into this process pity about your 30 plus colleagues–..
    It s also a pity that this info is not made know to the electorate it was a chance look at next weeks Scrutiny papers I came across this item.
    I also think the Council should produce a matrix showing attendance.

    in reply to: Y8’s March For Living Wage #67675


    This is a real issue about the use of children for fronting political campaigns– in this case it is more about young people who in a few years time will be i the work force and may themselves end up on a low wage. The person in TCC responsible for this commenced research in January with a Freedom of Information in January when the Council identified 1668 of their workers were below the living wage of£7.65

    What I do feel is such a pity that the school had not taken the opportunity of allowing the young people to research and debate an issue that affects their age group- leisure, play, youth clubs plus others would have been more relevant and not so political. The rights of young people in Wrexham under the United Nations Charter for Children and Young People is being almost totally ignored with the way the Council are cutting services that affect this age group.
    Power to Young People but choose your battles wisely and focus on issues directly affecting you..

    in reply to: New Car Parking Charges #66604


    On these figures why don’t all the market stall holders form a cooperative and take on a shop such as TJ Hughes, old Burtons etc . They would be their own masters of destiny , jot at the whim of the Council and can reinvest the difference in what they are paying now into marketing and promotion. The existing stall holders will never win the battle for fair rentals when the Council has such a large deficit so why not think totally diferent.

    in reply to: Abusive Vagarants #68436


    I hope the Wrexham Leader actually take the time to discuss with the peoe who have been moved on to find out how their live’s have lead them to sleeping in bins something most of us cannot comprehend.

    What would you do if you met someone living on the streets who said their background was they served Queen and Country in the Armed Forces but didn’t have support to adapt to civvy street or suffered from Post Traumatic Disorder. Unfortunately large numbers of ex service personnel end upon the street–

    The starting point to try and resolve the issue of roofless people is to work backwards from their ‘cardboard home’ to how they arrived in this position. Before anyone states people need to take on their own responsibilities if they are isolated from their families and friends who is there to help them through their life’s difficulties.

    in reply to: No bin collection due to strike action #68424


    I agree this is not an attack on front line staff but more about a Public Sector management in the UK that has not manged service delivery and budgets effectively leaving a situation were there are massive cuts in services and stagnant wages.

    This thread started about refuse collections which is why people have not strayed (in most instances) – the broader issue of services generally and the impact on everyone’s lives — families with children changing their own working practices to look after children who can’t go to school, Day Centres closed for the elderly and vulnerable, need I go on– why should the ordinary person suffer because of someones request for a pay rise.
    How did the strikes hit the management and Council Members within a LA who are part of the overall mismanagement of the Public Purse stretching up to the Welsh Government and beyond to Westminster. Managers where in work and Council Members have not lost a days allowance so no personal financial sacrifice compared with those on strike.

    in reply to: New Car Parking Charges #66603


    The Denbighshire policy for a number of years has been about raising enough funding to maintain and staff car parks rather than see them as a profit centre for other council services. It shows that the knock on effect is a far more buoyant economy within the retail sector and happy shoppers/visitors who wish to return.

    in reply to: Webcasting of Council Meetings #67923


    A leaked conversation abut the delay is that discusions are going on about WCBC Channel 2

    The sceond channel is likly to cover:

    Cutting room out takes – ‘The untold stories’ — What the Council don’t want you to know

    Wrexham Chatty Man – ‘It will be alright on the night’ – film clips of the things Councilors hoped would never be shown

    Room 101 ‘Live coverage of selecting the next cut in services’- the new cut and chop decision making programme

    Match of the Day- ‘ Live Head to Head debate between Council Executive and opposition Councilors’ – due to the lack of debate this will be broadcast as a silent film!

    ‘Part Two’ – the secret world of non Public Meetings

    ‘Big Councilor’ The public opportunity to vote on which councilors to keep in the Council Chamber . Latest update on this programme is that there is difficulty getting enough Councilors into the Chamber to make this work.

    ‘Find your Councilor’ – this will be a live outside broadcast from your community as WCBC 2 tries to track down your local Councilor and things they have done for you. This is predicted to run longer than the scheduled hour due to the difficulty in tracking down the Councilor and what they have done.

    in reply to: 117 New Dwellings In Rhosrobin #68431


    The Council will be able to get and should get Section 106 or the equivalent for Planning Gain which means the developer should to pay for local access and amenities

    in reply to: Webcasting of Council Meetings #67922


    The one thing that any public release will show is the lack of engagement by most Councilors and may stimulate more people wanting to stand in the next elections because they feel they can do better.
    Some of the thread originators on would make very good Councilors because they ask probing questions

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