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  • in reply to: No bin collection due to strike action #68423


    What will happen when there are bin bags put out — the Council workers wont pick these up as they are not allowed to for H & S reasons in case they are heavy.. Lots of trips to the skip site for those with a car and lots of fly tipping and bags left around streets if they don’t have a car.
    When it is a normal holiday they work weekends — this I suppose is the management way of not allowing time and a half payments to rectify problems due to the strike.

    in reply to: Abusive Vagarants #68435


    I fully agree that this situation should not occur and they should not be abusing people or property in anyway. There are clearly lots of issue as to how someone get on the street but then there are problems to get them off — the Ty Nos night shelter in Holt Road only holds the first 16 to the door. Other end up in the skips for the night..


    The biggest difference between Chester and Wrexham is that their empty shop rate is far below Wrexham with almost 92% across the city.
    In a buoyant retail environment businesses will invest in such a scheme as they see this as an added incentive.
    The key driver is confidence in your business and the future of the area- unfortunately many business owners in Wrexham don’t have that level of confidence.

    in reply to: Webcasting of Council Meetings #67921


    The method being used in Wrexham to allow Councilors to ask questions is clearly going to slow down debate — anyone wishing to ask a question other than the Executive has to move from their chair to a table to ask a question – there will be no free flow. Also what about those Councilors who find it difficult to walk.

    in reply to: No bin collection due to strike action #68422


    This is a massive health issue that surly the Council cannot allow to happen..

    in reply to: Former Groves High School Site #68391


    Watch this site the ‘official’ announcement will be made before 18th July if final agreements can be made between the Council and the other party. Previous legal issues now resolved.

    in reply to: Cultural Services to Community Trust #68405


    Where will all the funding come from as the proposal is for services that are currently free to access or part of large subsidy. Interesting the Council don’t seem to have examples of hower this is working with similar types of services.

    in reply to: Webcasting of Council Meetings #67920


    It was a good listing – funny but also very close to the truth of what is happening in and around the town.
    Do you now of anywhere to buy life size cardboard cut outs– I am sure there is a market for lots of the Councilors to put one on a seat at Council meetings to hide their absence from meetings- don’t worry about not hearing from them as many attend but never ask a question or take part in debates. If you are watching the new Council broadcast don’t adjust the volume when it is quite it is just the Councilors not speaking!

    in reply to: Cultural Services to Community Trust #68404


    Cemeteries to consortium of Funeral Directors– look out for FDs buying a field and applying for planning permission– there are already two planning applications in Flintshire for private Crematoriums-
    Bins to private company Biffa, Ash Waste
    Roads to be run by Wales Highway Authority to maintain the A55

    In a lot of Council services there is probably a potential for another provider– just means that the public may have to buy in services from the private sector or other provider rather than assuming the Council will be the provider.

    Perhaps we should be working on the assumption that Councils as we know them will be a thing of the past the same as full occupancy of shops in towns — they served a purpose at a given time in history but things have now moved on..

    in reply to: Cultural Services to Community Trust #68403


    The Council may end up with Statutory services only — Education, Social Care and a few other work areas. WG have already had reports presented that shows education across Wales would be best run on a regional basis. The new Heath and Social Care Bill has reference to Social Care and Health being aligned — do people in receipt of any social care or heath provision know who manages which bits of their overall care — ideally they do not need to know provided there is a quality service.
    Libraries — there is a minimum standard for a Council but they could contract out.
    Youth service — one youth club would meet the standard

    Planning Services – requirement for access to a service but not necessary run by each Council
    Leisure – no statutory minimum

    As you can see not much left so we can safely say that the old style Councils (not just Wrexham) will never be the provider of such wide ranging services that they have in the past. Is this what WG are aiming to achieve– it does not bode well for ratepayers who are still paying the same level of rates yet with almost non existent services.
    Less services should also result in less Councilors.

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