Recycling ‘Wheelie Boxes’ To Be Rolled Out To 13,000 Wrexham Properties

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    We don’t have the new boxes, but the people at the bottom of the road do.
    We are on a different rota to the houses at the bottom so maybe they have given the boxes to the A rounds but not the B round? (or vice versa).
    Do the new boxes get emptied into a different sort of wagon? If they do, maybe they are waiting for the new wagons to arrive to cover elsewhere.



    I do not have the new boxes.
    I presently have a black bin,a green bin, a container for plastic and glass articles, and a bag for paper waste.
    Last week the Council dropped off a further two gray containers for food waste. This idea for food waste was tried out a few years ago, but was later knocked in the head.
    Now at more expense it is being brought back. Who comes up with these bright ideas?


    Owain Glyndwr

    [quote quote=118148]I do not have the new boxes.
    I presently have a black bin,a green bin, a container for plastic and glass articles, and a bag for paper waste.
    Last week the Council dropped off a further two gray containers for food waste. This idea for food waste was tried out a few years ago, but was later knocked in the head.
    Now at more expense it is being brought back. Who comes up with these bright ideas?

    I blame Joan the Hog!



    [quote quote=118152]

    I do not have the new boxes.
    I presently have a black bin,a green bin, a container for plastic and glass articles, and a bag for paper waste.
    Last week the Council dropped off a further two gray containers for food waste. This idea for food waste was tried out a few years ago, but was later knocked in the head.
    Now at more expense it is being brought back. Who comes up with these bright ideas?

    I blame Joan the Hog!

    [/quote]Am really intrigued, how so?


    Captain C

    What the hell is going on. Does the latest news mean we now have more boxes to carry to the end of the drive or do we still get a trolley. Why can’t the council make their minds up and stick with it.



    My sister living in a different part of the country (England) doesn’t know whether she is coming or going. Black wheelie bin for general waste, brown for compostable waste including paper & cardboard & green box. They then decided that the green box wasn’t adequate so gave them a blue bin instead (black & brown & blue bins). The green box wasn’t recyclable so they were told keep them if they could use them or take them to the recycling centre. Recently the blue bins were taken away & they were told that they could keep the brown bins for their own use or they would collect them & take them away too. Now they are back to one black wheelie bin which they had in the first place to use for everything. What a waste of public money and we think we have it bad.



    Do the new boxes get emptied into a different sort of wagon?

    By the look of it yes. We have a new wagon coming around our village alot smaller than the old ones, it doesnt have a side that lifts up. Maybe to help when idiot people block off roads with their parked cars on bin day and then complain when their bins/boxes dont get emptied or their car gets damaged.



    Jimbow is bang on the money; would the person who signed off this project please step forward be brave and front up.
    We have a waste bin, a grass bin & a 3 tier can/glass/paper piece of kit — whose paying for all of this and how
    much is it costing; no wonder council tax is high or is it funded by the EEC — oh sorry its our money funding ourselves sounds a bit like the old gambit called Pyramid selling.



    Really confused now.
    Does this mean that people who already have the 3 box trolley system continue to use these boxes along with the blue/black & green bin or are we to stop using the trolley and be getting the new boxes/bag?
    If anyone knows would be great as it’s all getting very confusing now!!!!!



    These links may or may not help –

    Might take a while to get to grips with what goes where.

    My question is – when there is a plastic top on a plastic bottle, they need to be separated but what should you do if you can’t separate them? Just stick it in the general waste?

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