Recycling ‘Wheelie Boxes’ To Be Rolled Out To 13,000 Wrexham Properties

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  • #116985


    [quote quote=113154]OMG…More bloody shite……The old system was the best….Ya fill ya bin…Then the bin men would come and empty it…END OF…!!!! Cheaper….Efficient……No hastle…HUH…..

    [/quote]Spot on



    I would love a set of these boxes, I’m a very keen recycler, but the council say they’re not going to do my road. All the posts on here by people not liking the idea, can you please try our road instead Mr council?
    There are streets all over Gresford with these boxes, please give Pant Lane some!



    I am fed up of hearing that people are given new wheelie recycle bins, food bins, we in flats, are not given any. It seems to me all private houses have these things but not council tennants. If we want a green bin, we have to pay, probably the same with these new wheelie recycle ones. It’s a disgrace.


    Captain C

    Do your home work before making statements such as that. Large areas of private houses have not received these boxes,not just council tenants as you state.



    Is there a list showing which council wards have received the new boxes?


    AMA Express

    [quote quote=117168]Is there a list showing which council wards have received the new boxes?





    Does anyone know if we will get them in plas madoc? My mum has had hers in chirk but fed up of someone stealing my green bin like they’ve done this week… they seem to hold a lot more too



    No announcement yet since the first batch of deliveries a couple of months ago.



    My god the first time I saw these things I could not believe the waste of money again! firstly, because the box for cans has a flap on the front it only has to be partially full and you cant get any more in thus you have to dismantle the stack to fill it. I am told you have to put the full stack out on the road complete and not individual boxes, so they have to dismantle said stack of empty boxes to actually empty one. I want to hear from the bin lads who have to empty these things. I bet they are a pain in the ar e and taking more time than ever. They should be the one’s who decide not some office walla. I walked up Hamden Rd the other day oops it was bin day, I had to walk on the road, pavement was like a bomb site. STOP NOW!! don’t go any further with this stupidity and give it some rethink?. Tell you what put them on Talbot Rd and get off your ass and go have a look. I don’t disagree with recycling but I dread to think of these things on a cold windy day they will be everywhere and when you run into one with your car who is responsible??.



    But surely all the councillors trialled one for a month to judge how effective they were in use for different families?!!! No? Well, an opportunity missed before spending the money and it matters not whether it was Wrexham CBC money or WA money. It came from the same pocket – ours!

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