Recycling ‘Wheelie Boxes’ To Be Rolled Out To 13,000 Wrexham Properties

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    There are surely many more than 13000 properties in the borough so they can’t be going to everyone?



    Conway Council have already started using these Wheelie Boxes. They are made of green plastic and the top box has a hinged lid. The plastic used for the lid appears flimsy and many lined up along the roadside are already broken. Together the containers hold more recycling than our one box and bag so maybe the Council will look to save money by making recycling a fortnightly collection like the household rubbish. Emptying and replacing the Wheelie Boxes , done properly, will certainly take more time than the present system.



    Recycling should be done fortnightly anyway. We’re a family of 4 and I never put ours out weekly as we don’t have enough.



    I don’t think I’ll bother with this, the current box is fine.

    In fact, what was wrong with the old system where you put everything in one bin round the back and the bin men carried it out to the lorry?

    If the council want to recycle, they can go through it all, I’m not paid to do that!



    Another ill thought out and conceived ‘initiative’ from the bloody local council and inflicted on the rate payers.
    What is wrong with one bin – put all the rubbish in it – empty it – simples.
    If the council want to recycle garbage then fine – let them do it. We pay enough council tax as it is without having to do their bloody job for them.



    [quote quote=113685]Another ill thought out and conceived ‘initiative’ from the bloody local council and inflicted on the rate payers.
    What is wrong with one bin – put all the rubbish in it – empty it – simples.
    If the council want to recycle garbage then fine – let them do it. We pay enough council tax as it is without having to do their bloody job for them.

    Well don’t complain when they build a landfill site near you then. I don’t see the problem. Recycling is easy for us non-lazy residents who appreciate the bigger problem of not recycling and don’t hide behind the ‘why should we do their job’ rant. Boring boring. And the best bit?? The neighbours can’t see how many wine bottles I recycle!!



    Pity that they haven’t been collected today. Whole road has been left although normal rubbish taken.



    I’ve just worked it out this scheme is costing approximately £1.3 million, not bad for a council who claims there is no money available



    [quote quote=113745]I’ve just worked it out this scheme is costing approximately £1.3 million, not bad for a council who claims there is no money available

    Had mine delivered today was told it was paid for by the government. Also told if I wasn’t happy with them I could return them.



    [quote quote=113141]

    Im all for recycling but Wrexham Council where are we supposed to keep these boxes??? we dont want more, the 1 we have already is good enough. SO now 3 boxes will be blowing round the garden & street instead of just 1.

    Three boxes stacked on top of each other and placed in a trolley, The wheelie box system involves putting paper and card in the top box, plastic bottles and mixed cans in the middle and glass bottles, jars and corrugated cardboard in the bottom.

    I guess the Council have done a “Time & Motion” exercise & found out the refuse collectors work faster this way. BUT WILL THE Refuse collectors put the Boxers back on the trolley or as the ALWAYS DO now just through then back towards the property.

    Some very valid points here, but I expect our Council have already thought and considered all your points, ummm maybe :)

    “Throwing them back towards the property”, Apparently this doesn’t happen if you are an ex council employee ( supervisor), they take theirs back up the drive way and place them neatly where they can be found. Apparently complaining to the council doesn’t get it stopped or the same treatment given to everyone in the street. I guess the council complaints department must be a friend of the ex employee ( buck stops e.t. c.).
    As with all things council, one rule for them and screw the rest of us.

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