20 MPH Zones

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    Maureen Gray

    Just ventured out in the old jalopy and it took me straight back to 1955!?! Great Scott!
    It looked really strange as cars tootled along at 20mph, a bit like in the snow. There obviously were a couple of rascals who were late for church, but it may catch on. I actually nodded off twice and ironically didn’t see one small child run out into the road to test the theory!



    Oh. yes, that child that keeps running into the road, must admit that in my almost 60 years of driving cars motorcycles and petrol tankers i have never seen such a child never mind hit one but, they are, according to gubbment ministers, all over the place just ready to jump off the pavement into the road the little tykes.



    I was out this morning in my car, keeping to the limit and got overtaken by bikes.



    What I HATE is Drakfords comments, if no speed signs & there are lampposts then assume the speed limit is 20, which is disgrasful what about visitors from England, they will assume CORRECTLY the speed limit is 30, but like outside the racecourse there is no speed signs, that I can see? This is definitely a I hate cars scheme just like canceling virtually all new roads.



    The Senedd seems to have found the elusive money tree, millions for the 20 mph scheme and now millions to expand the Senedd to 96 members , all the while the County Councils are starved of money for the basics like social care. Why do they always ignore the elephant in the room ? The Welsh NHS and social care are broken, all over Wales not just here in North Wales and yet they now see increasing the size of the Senedd as the priority. They have ignored the deteriorating quality of life of every individual living in Wales, and show no interest in improving it.




    Heading rapidly towards 150000 signatures, biggest ever Senedd petition. Be interesting to see how commissar Drakeford swerves this one.



    Will make no difference , even if the have a vote in Senedd , Labour in power and vote will go through , unless Plaid vote against it, then maybe a whisker of a chance !


    Born Acorn

    It was in Plaid’s 2021 manifesto as it was in Labour’s so I doubt they’d vote against it.



    The petition this morning is over 253,000 that, put another way is over a quarter of a million! Commissar Drakeford though is not for turning it seems and is still spouting his dubious reasons in support he has always spouted on the matter. The petition is a chance for we, the people, if minded of course and all aren’t, to let those tin pot dictators in Cardiff know what we think about the 20mph issue. All dissent has been routinely ignored with the initial consultation which came out against the imposition being side lined as “irrelevant” as, in the words of the minister concerned “it was obvious that the respondents were biased”! What did they then do? They went in search of supportive views only and, that’s how they treat us, their employers! It’s oft repeated that it was in their manifestos, yes there was mention of it but, almost anyone seeing that and most wouldn’t as they don’t read manifestos due to the fact that most will vote Labour come what may because their Dad did and his Dad before him and so on would never have thought it would be a blanket imposition instead of just around particularly sensitive areas so, i’m saying they don’t have a mandate for such a far reaching change in how people conduct their lives and personal travel. How the ruling junta in Cardiff, a very small number of men and women can think they know better than 100,000’s of ordinary folk out in the country i am at a loss to explain other than to see them as the communists they are and they are doing what communist administrations do ie. rule by diktat not consent. To use a modern phrase, they need their chain stepping on and the public have got a foot on it. If Commissar Drakeford does indeed ignore the petition then he will really open himself up to being labelled the Welsh Dictator.



    In Lesley Griffiths latest newsletter, she states that WCBC have identified just 10 roads that have retained the 30mph speed limit, equating to just 1% of the eligible roads in the County Borough.
    Contrast this with Cardiff and Neath Port Talbot who have retained it for 5% of their roads and Swansea and Bridgend where the figure is nearer 10%.
    Something is telling me that WCBC have undertaken the whole exercise in a quick fix, back of the fag packet approach rather than given it serious consideration and coming up with a well reasoned solution that would be more acceptable to more of the population of the Borough.

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