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  • in reply to: The best route from Plas Coch Retail Park to Oswestry #100457


    [quote quote=100456]Your footage shows that the car in front of you is a good distance ahead of both your car and my taxi, there are no other vehicles in sight, your statement is flawed. By virtue of my registration numbers I put myself into the public domain and as such become an easy target. If there was traffic congestion I could appreciate your statement, but one car in the left hand lane well ahead of you and my taxi, with my taxi indicating left and trying to merge from right hand lane to left hand lane does not constitute cutting you up.


    I stated earlier in this thread that there are more important things in life than arguing about being cut up by a taxi. I suspect that very soon I will be in a hospital bed and I certainly do not wish to be thinking about this minor argument. I will draw a line under this argument now once and for all and admit that you a right and can do no wrong, and will not comment further upon it.

    in reply to: The best route from Plas Coch Retail Park to Oswestry #100455


    [quote quote=100454]John Hoppy, your camera shows my taxi “merging” on Regent Street from right hand lane to left hand lane and as it is ahead of your vehicle surely it is your duty to allow it to proceed into the lane you are using without referring to it as cutting you up.


    Just because your indicator light is on does not give you the right to barge in. I had already slowed down to allow the car in front of you to merge, and it is then YOUR DUTY to wait for the car behind me to let you in and not just dive into the space I had left for the first car to merge safely.

    in reply to: The best route from Plas Coch Retail Park to Oswestry #100413


    Re Forum Post The best route from Plas Coch Retail Park to Oswestry

    Posted by John Hopkins on Tuesday, 22 September 2015

    I have recently discovered that there are more important things in life than to worry about being cut up by a taxi on the way into town, but I do resent the fact that it is being suggested that I am not telling the truth. The above link shows the incident as recorded by my car camera.

    in reply to: The best route from Plas Coch Retail Park to Oswestry #100088


    [quote quote=100083]

    Benjamin M, johnhoppy writes his/her, I have no recollection of the event. I video all of my journeys and if it was me I will let you know.

    Unless you have rear facing video I doubt if you will have recorded the event. My video will no doubt have picked it up though, but as it also records details of my car etc I have no desire to put it into the public domain.


    A slight correction on my original post in that it was Thursday 10th not Wednesday, but I can narrow it down to 11.58am (and 30 secs) which will enable your video to be found a bit easier.

    in reply to: The best route from Plas Coch Retail Park to Oswestry #100083


    [quote quote=100047]Benjamin M, johnhoppy writes his/her, I have no recollection of the event. I video all of my journeys and if it was me I will let you know.

    Unless you have rear facing video I doubt if you will have recorded the event. My video will no doubt have picked it up though, but as it also records details of my car etc I have no desire to put it into the public domain.

    in reply to: The best route from Plas Coch Retail Park to Oswestry #100022


    I agree that some the standard of driving in town is very poor. Last Wednesday whilst filtering in turn at the lights on Regent Street a taxi decided it was his/her turn when it wasn’t and kindly cut me up. Oh yes…the registration mark was JOK.

    in reply to: Budget Cuts for 2016 #99925


    [quote quote=99924]Council Cuts, the proposals made interesting reading but I have to say it came across like something smiling George does when he presents his budgets (gives a little bit with one hand but takes a hell of a lot more with the other hand),smoke and mirrors comes to mind.
    Yes we are in troubled times and as call me Dave has said “we are all in this together” which as we know is a total lie.
    But getting back on track the document shows proposals for this/that and the other which means sticking it to the council tax payer as much as possible and councillor Hugh John Jones says and I quote “we are asking the public to give us ideas that we have missed”.
    Well councillor what about the “privileged” (free parking) scheme that I assume is still in place for council staff surely now is the time that this should be removed for ever or is this such a sacred cow that it must never ever be brought to the table.
    And with regards to increasing the council tax again this time by 5% you must be having a laugh.


    They are indeed having a laugh proposing to increase Council Tax by 5%. Pensioners with index linked pensions will be fortunate to receive any sort of increase this year, and those in employment will be very fortunate to receive pay rises of anywhere near 5%. The council may be living in their own economic universe with its own inflation rate but the rest of us do not.

    in reply to: Expenses for Councillors and Officers #99626


    [quote quote=99622]I can see that you have never been self employed.

    You’ve established that I am not a Councillor nether am I self employed. You have got one guess left and then give up !!!!


    Don’t worry I have no intention of making any guesses, although I must admit that you have a talent for local government as you do not tolerate any dissenting opinions.

    Where is Sheefag when you want a sensible debate??

    in reply to: Expenses for Councillors and Officers #99621


    [quote quote=99620]

    Try being self employed BanjaminM and see how user payments are part of your job entitlement. They are all of your job entitlement.

    And I bet they are priced into the job and/or set against tax liability.


    I can see that you have never been self employed.

    in reply to: Expenses for Councillors and Officers #99618


    “I suspect, although I have no proof, that the critics have never have or likely to be in a position where essential user payments are part of their job entitlement.
    Even you yourself have admitted that “it is all small fry” and yet you now seem to be taking a different tack. At least I am consistent.”

    Try being self employed BanjaminM and see how user payments are part of your job entitlement. They are all of your job entitlement.

    Yes you are consistant in that you resort to personal attacks when you can not make a coherent argument.

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