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  • in reply to: Wrexham or Wrecsam #212613


    I’m not sure which I’m closer to!

    The nearest I have to a personal website is http://www.future.wales. I can be contacted directly via that.

    in reply to: Wrexham or Wrecsam #212600


    This really shouldn’t be hard.

    If writing in English, then it’s Wrexham.

    Os yn ‘sgrifennu yn Gymraeg, Wrecsam yw. Er y byddai’n well gen i gael enw Cymraeg go iawn, dim wedi tarddio mor amlwg o’r un Saesneg. “Caer Fantell” er enghraifft.

    in reply to: ‘Grammar vigilante’ or 'Graffiti Vandal' #154064


    @jimbow – Welsh has been the majority language in Wrexham for most of recorded history; using that as an argument for adopting English-only signage at a time when English has the upper hand sounds a bit like trying to change the rules of the game halfway through.

    Wrexham is a Welsh town, and if a single language were to be adopted then it should be Welsh.

    in reply to: ‘Grammar vigilante’ or 'Graffiti Vandal' #154063


    @CarolThomas – yes, that’s a pretty good translation, perhaps not exactly what I’d have written if I were writing in English myself but it captures the sense nicely.

    Generally speaking I find that Google Translate does a reasonable job in either direction (Welsh -> English or English -> Welsh); it’s not perfect, but machine translation won’t be perfect in any language for a while yet, and it’s certainly good enough to be helpful.

    In signage, I have a feeling that most errors are due to sloppy signwriters rather than poor translators, though I sometimes see errors in Welsh on signposts which look like the results of someone misreading someone else’s handwriting: “cl” mistaken for “d” and that sort of thing.

    in reply to: ‘Grammar vigilante’ or 'Graffiti Vandal' #154013


    Pam na wnawn ni arbed llawer iawn o arian gan beidio â rhoi yr arwyddion Saesneg i fyny? Tasai dim ond y Gymraeg yn cael ei harddangos, basai’r arwyddion yn hanner y maint (gan arbed llawer o fetal ac inc) ac mi fasai pobl fel Maureen yn cadw draw, heb syniad am beth oedd yn mynd ymlaen o’u cwmpas (tebyg mai ychydig fach o syniad sydd ganddyn nhw beth bynnag).

    Wrth gwrs y byddai’n rhaid codi safon y Gymraeg, sydd yn aml iawn yn anobeithiol ar arwyddion cyhoeddus, ond gyda dim ond un iaith i osod i fyny efallai y byddai’r Cyngor yn cymryd ychydig mwy o ofal dros y peth.

    in reply to: Lack of decent places to eat in Wrexham town centre #103784


    It doesn’t explain why this is a peculiarly Wrexham problem, though. Shrewsbury, where I live now, has a dozen or more lovely restaurants in the town centre, and even Mold has the Fat Boar which is a great deal classier than anything in Wrexham (with the possible exception of the Lemon Tree, which is after all just on the wrong side of the ring road).

    I suspect Wrexham’s specific problem is the general downgrading of the town centre that took place during the 1990s and 2000s, while so much of the centre lay in ruins. That was a long period of decline, and any recovery will take a long time. The strategy of encouraging a lot of clubs and bars to open around the High Street area, and of getting more students into the town, has no doubt delivered some short-term growth but it’s offputting for the sort of clientele who would patronise more up-market restaurants.

    in reply to: Lack of decent places to eat in Wrexham town centre #103701


    [quote quote=103697]
    Is there only one parking space then ?


    There are three of four places where you can park without going through the gap, but if they are full then there’s nothing for it but to breathe in, retract your mirrors and hope for the best.

    in reply to: Lack of decent places to eat in Wrexham town centre #103696


    I can recommend the Lemon Tree on Rhosddu Road. It’s just on the edge of the town centre, and I’ve only been there at lunchtime on weekdays rather than for evening occasions, but it’s smart and the food is good and I’ve held many business lunches there. You take your life in your hands if you use the car park, though – you need to pull your wing mirrors in to fit between the building and the outside wall.

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