‘Grammar vigilante’ or 'Graffiti Vandal'

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    Maureen Gray

    Ok, so the Welsh Language Police strike again at Alan Waters, and maybe they are correct, but with Welsh who really knows and frankly who really cares!
    The Council get hammered,and people complain about costs, but it would be cheaper just in English anyway! But will the knob-head who committed the crime get prosecuted? Nagoes…nagydd…dim?..na…NO!



    Helo Muareen Iawn, felly mae Heddlu’r Gymraeg yn taro eto yn Alan Waters, ac efallai eu bod yn gywir, ond gyda Chymraeg sy’n wirioneddol yn gwybod ac yn ddiffuant sy’n wirioneddol yn gofalu!
    Mae’r Cyngor yn cael cwympo, ac mae pobl yn cwyno am gostau, ond byddai’n rhatach dim ond yn Saesneg beth bynnag! Ond a wnewch chi erlyn y pennaeth a gyflawnodd y drosedd? Nagoes … nagydd … dim? .. na … NA



    [quote quote=153979]but with Welsh who really knows and frankly who really cares![/quote]

    There’s a place across the border named Chester. I think you’d do well there.



    Peidiwch â bwydo’r trolio.



    Pam na wnawn ni arbed llawer iawn o arian gan beidio â rhoi yr arwyddion Saesneg i fyny? Tasai dim ond y Gymraeg yn cael ei harddangos, basai’r arwyddion yn hanner y maint (gan arbed llawer o fetal ac inc) ac mi fasai pobl fel Maureen yn cadw draw, heb syniad am beth oedd yn mynd ymlaen o’u cwmpas (tebyg mai ychydig fach o syniad sydd ganddyn nhw beth bynnag).

    Wrth gwrs y byddai’n rhaid codi safon y Gymraeg, sydd yn aml iawn yn anobeithiol ar arwyddion cyhoeddus, ond gyda dim ond un iaith i osod i fyny efallai y byddai’r Cyngor yn cymryd ychydig mwy o ofal dros y peth.



    I tend to agree with you, just use Welsh and be done with it.

    The current situation is farcical, so if the Welsh want the Welsh language to survive, damn well use it and stop the bitching!



    ErosPengwern- it would really help the cause of the Welsh Language if there were resources available to help with translation – Welsh to English and English to Welsh- if this was readily available then you might get more engagement.

    Here is a translation of your posting done on Google — does it makes sense to you!

    Why will not we save a lot of money without not putting the English signs up? If only the Welsh language was displayed, the signs would be half the size (saving lots of metallic and ink) and people like Maureen would stay over, without any idea of what was going on around them ( like they have little idea of anyway).

    Of course, the standard of Welsh, which is often desperate on public signs, would have to be raised, but with only one language to set up the Council may take a little more care over it.”


    Maureen Gray

    Whilst I may or may not agree with some of the comments above, and whilst they may or may not be gramatically correct, they are pointless comments to me personally because they are in f’in Welsh you tit!!



    English is used unnecessarily on place & street names.



    Let’s cater for the majority not the minority. Money is tight use it wisely.

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