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  • in reply to: Difficult Decisions’ Budget Consultation #121492


    [quote quote=121491]

    I really dont know were the £750k figyre for PWC has come from the contract was 10% of savings £4.6 million on the 3 year programme to save £45 million — perhaops Clr Neil Rogers who was Leader of the Council at the time and authorised the contract may be prepared to shed some light–and of course Counciorl Andrew Bailey who cointrubutes to these forums was a member of the then Labour led Council that brought them in.. Cant blame Clr Pritchard for this one..

    Hi Dylan , Thanks for your mention and maybe I can clarify the PWC position. PWC were indeed appointed in July 2013 to do a ” scoping exercise on the reshaping budget . The were selected after “a rigorous
    Selection process involving relevant officers and Lead members ” ( sadly never myself) . Clue leader of the coalition administration at the time was indeed Neil Rogers and deputy leader Mark Pritchard.
    The Phase 2 of the process ,where PWC were appointed to undertake the subsequent stages ,with the 10% clause included was in January 2013. Leader of the council and lead member for corporate and financial affairs at the time- Councillor Mark Pritchard.

    Correction – Phase 2 was agreed on 13th January 2015 and phase 1 in July 2014. The July 2013 reference was the start of the reshaping project To look at the financial challenge facing the authority ” whilst giving priority for the most vulnerable. Probably best if I leave it to others to judge whether the Tory – Independent council in charge for the past two years has done that.

    in reply to: Difficult Decisions’ Budget Consultation #121491


    [quote quote=121363]I really dont know were the £750k figyre for PWC has come from the contract was 10% of savings £4.6 million on the 3 year programme to save £45 million — perhaops Clr Neil Rogers who was Leader of the Council at the time and authorised the contract may be prepared to shed some light–and of course Counciorl Andrew Bailey who cointrubutes to these forums was a member of the then Labour led Council that brought them in.. Cant blame Clr Pritchard for this one..

    Hi Dylan , Thanks for your mention and maybe I can clarify the PWC position. PWC were indeed appointed in July 2013 to do a ” scoping exercise on the reshaping budget . The were selected after “a rigorous
    Selection process involving relevant officers and Lead members ” ( sadly never myself) . Clue leader of the coalition administration at the time was indeed Neil Rogers and deputy leader Mark Pritchard.
    The Phase 2 of the process ,where PWC were appointed to undertake the subsequent stages ,with the 10% clause included was in January 2013. Leader of the council and lead member for corporate and financial affairs at the time- Councillor Mark Pritchard.

    in reply to: How do I add an image from my computer #121124


    [quote quote=121024]Specially if you have your Facebook account open to the public. Then every site you surf will go on your time line.
    Best to keep it just to friends.

    According to my ” in house experts ” it is all to do with the musical tastes of the Democratic candidate for President in 2000- Al Gore rhythms

    in reply to: How do I add an image from my computer #121017


    All I know is that whenever I do some research for something ( say a garden shed ) before I know it said images are everywhere!

    in reply to: Funding for Splash Magic #120547


    [quote quote=120518]Andrew was in the Labour Group that voted to keep Plas Madoc – the other half od the Party led by Neil Rogers (10 of them) left the Labour Party and joined the Independent Coalition.

    hi Peter and friends,
    Just to clear up all the Labour group voted for the budget in 2014 ,with the exception of a few abstentions of members local to Plas Madoc. Just for the record this budget included voting for the closure of two libraries,Gresford & Brymbo and the former is now in it’s third year of independent existence ,with access to community and wider funds ,that would not have been the case if council run. Ring any bells.
    You are right that 10 out of the 23 group members left in September 2014 and whilst I am still mystified as to their reasons it is probably no coincidence that a majority of the group had voted for a greater funding for Splash Magic than the 10 ( or a goodly number ) favoured and that I subsequently moved at the board in October 2014 only to have it voted down by ” the other half ” and their new cronies. Look at who the friends of the project are over the long term rather than focus one one snapshot in time.

    in reply to: Secret #120492


    [quote quote=120464]Wrexham council are trying to keep it quiet about the closing of the day center in rhos they throwing the elderly out on the street

    and the older people’s centre in Caia. They are ” consulting ” by asking residents how they can help them once the change ( they are consulting on) has happened!


    I am glad the staff and the health authority kept to THEIR part in patient confidentiality!

    in reply to: The Groves School – Structure and Condition #118869


    [quote quote=118796]

    Wrexham Council again showing the degree of their “commitment” to transparency; listening to the people who pay their Council Tax to fund everything; respect for the opinions of others who might differ from theirs and being in touch with the views of local people. Pompous, blinkered and ignorant.

    Local Councillors are elected by the community to decide how the council should carry out its various activities. They represent public interest as well as individuals living within the ward in which he or she has been elected to serve a term of office.

    They have regular contact with the general public through council meetings, telephone calls or surgeries. Surgeries provide an opportunity for any ward resident to go and talk to their councillor face to face and these take place on a regular basis.
    If you don’t agree, vote them out!! They are acting in YOUR best interests in all matters and you should be giving them your support, not turning on them if you don’t like something.

    What do you want to do, have a BREXIT style vote whenever something emotionally charged (like the Groves) rears its head? You voted them in and therefore you should trust in them and support their decisions.

    [/quote]hi Councillor X I admire your efforts to increase voter participation. Yes councillors are elected for a term of office and you then ,as you say , have a chance to vote them out. When candidates put themselves forward they often put forward what they intend to do in their term and how the will work with others to implement what they are standing on- it is called a MANIFESTO. Unfortunately 10 current members burned their manifesto promises 2 years ago ( one earlier this year )and none has seen fit to test their new manifesto with the public who elected them. This negation of democracy is the sole reason this current administration came to the positions they hold and is a non democratic basis for power.

    “A structure based on false foundations will ultimately fall.”

    in reply to: Welsh Librarian of the Year 2016 #114636


    Thanks Zinger ,

    It was of course Hughes and not Jones,

    Congratulations again to Dylan Hughes and his team

    in reply to: Litter fines #114511


    Can someone let me know the Kingdom rounds so I can be seen picking up litter and claiming my 50 Nickerson?

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