Wrexham Maelor A&E

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    How many hospital beds are there in use in the Maelor Hospital ? Aren their beds un used because of staff shortages ?



    The way it is going with people being let into the uk for our benefits you will reach that figure by 2028



    January 19th 2024 10.15 pm waiting time in Maelor A&E 1 hour and 15 minutes …63 patients.

    One of the lowest waiting times recorded, although number of patients is about average.




    Thursday March 8th 9.45 am patient waiting time 1 hr 45 mins
    Currently in department:70 patients.

    This looks like a much improved waiting time despite quite large number of patients.



    So the situation hasn’t improved in the Wrexham Maelor Hospital A&E as reported over 15 ambulances waiting outside on Monday and more worryingly a “3 day waiting list for a hospital bed” . This situation is deteriorating. Is our hospital being affected by the Wrexham Council
    budget cuts ? Are people waiting longer for social care packages to enable them to leave hospital? Time for the BCUHB and Wrexham Council to come clean to the public about what the root cause!

    How do you solve this chaos? Is it broken beyond repair ? Does any political party have and answer?



    “He says he was not aware of views within Public Health Wales (PHW) that there was astonishment that by early March the Welsh government was not treating it as major incident and civil emergency situation.

    He says PHW did not speak to ministers, directly, by routine.”

    Mark Drakeford statement at Covid enquiry this morning as reported by BBC.

    The final sentence maybe the root of all the health problems ……. Public Health Wales did not speak to ministers directly, by routine !!! Do they speak directly now and why didn’t PHW have that link regularly in place then?

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