Welsh Languge

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    Be careful She, you might be accused of being silly!



    I was just tussling with the challenges of becoming a full time Catholic negates the opportunity to learn Welsh. Maybe it was the 12 hour guilt lessons mixed in with the beatings.



    “The one thing I regret is that I never had the opportunity to learn Welsh”

    This could possibly be a memory/age related inaccuracy. As far as I recall, Welsh lessons were available throughout our time in Grove Park Grammar School.
    Think back. We sat at desks next to each other in our form room.
    I can even remember you sustaining an accident causing a totally blood shot eye!!



    Funnily enough, I was brought up Roman Catholic. The Teachers, and Nuns in particular, beat the very s**t out of us in between indoctrination about how the Catholics were the ‘Master Race’ and would inherit the earth.
    The option to learn Welsh existed then. I passed up on this opportunity, preferring instead to hone my future as a ‘born again atheist’ in temples of worship such as the Albion and the Horse & Jockey.



    That was due to a full on boot to my eye from one of the Ratcliffe twins whilst scoring a headed goal from a corner during a trial match to choose a football team to represent the school. The “x ray” at the War Memorial Hospital showed the stud marks on the back of my eye. Could I sue someone retrospectively for this act? In today’s litigation culture I probably could, but I am not that type of person.



    Based on what Benjamin M states about the opportunity to learn Welsh at Grove Park, I have to agree with him that it was there, but having it thrust at you in the first year with having no idea what it was about and in the way the teacher we had went about it and how he favoured the boys who were already welsh speakers was too much for me, but now I wish I had persevered and tried harder to learn it as I love the Welsh language. Changing the topic for a moment, I went to confession today for the first time in 47 years, please be happy for me.


    bobo the clown

    “A language which only continues because it’s forced on people is a dying language” … completely correct. In this area it is, was and always will be a fringe language. I certainly hear more Polish than Welsh. Yet the Welsh Language Act and Welsh Language Commissioner push it further and further. Many public jobs now require people are bi-lingual to apply …. thus barring 80% and more from being eligible. Then we’re surprised at the poor quality of public employee.

    We’re constantly told that there are recruitment problems in the Welsh NHS … has anyone ever linked the two points.

    We’re told that more schoolchildren are now leaving shcool with qualifications in Welsh. Maybe … but look at the curriculum. As much about History (how bad the English treated us) and Geography than the language. The statistics are deliberately used as a con.

    We have a dedicated Welsh language TV channel which has many Welsh language shows with incalculable low numbers of people watching … literally marked as 0%. Yet any effort to try to liven it up is screamed down as anti-Welsh.

    Town names and roads and street names must be dualism …. unless, that is, the original name is Welsh in which case no English version must be offered. So false Welsh words for Overton, Rossett, Northop and hundreds more are created .. but no such thing in English for Coedpoeth, Cefn Mawr, Llangollen.

    One eyed, politically motivated bigotry which would not be acceptable the other way around.

    The utter waste of money and energy, the bigotry and the bias in the end do more damage than good. Welsh has its place but it’s certainly not in the border counties.



    Town and street names should be in Welsh without an English translation. I wonder how many people on this forum go abroad for their holidays, clutching their phrase books, attending language classes, all for 2 weeks a year. Tourists visiting Wales don’t want it to be a little England.



    An excellent post Bobo. I totally agree with every word, comma and full stop in you post.



    [quote quote=99161] In this area it is, was and always will be a fringe language.

    You are talking through your hoop, learn some history about the town.

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