Welsh Languge

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    I wonder, wonder who? I wonder who? who? who wrote the book of love?



    The Jackos are kicking off I see.



    [quote quote=98365]The Jackos are kicking off I see.


    Couldn’t be further from the truth in my case.



    Further to yesterdays communication, I was speaking to someone who was in Hatfield Colliery in Yorkshire, England yesterday where he noticed that all the signage was in English & Polish.


    AMA Express

    During World War II, Prisoners of War found to have been coal miners in Germany, Poland or elsewhere, were drafted into the pits. A number of such prisoners were sent to Hatfield Main.

    After the war was over, ex-miners/prisoners and stateless persons, such as Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Yugoslavians and Germans all found their way into the great fraternity of mining races and peoples.




    [quote quote=98420]During World War II, Prisoners of War found to have been coal miners in Germany, Poland or elsewhere, were drafted into the pits. A number of such prisoners were sent to Hatfield Main.

    After the war was over, ex-miners/prisoners and stateless persons, such as Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Yugoslavians and Germans all found their way into the great fraternity of mining races and peoples.



    I’m well impressed.



    And so once again a thread changes direction like a Tory/Labour/LibDem?/YouKip/Paid Cymru etc etc back bencher making a U turn!

    Is it just me, or has anyone else notice a debate on the Welsh Language, not one post in the afore mentioned dialect! Oh well, as I always say :’Uduwyn, un hoffi coffi!


    AMA Express

    Why would anyone want to post in Winglish ? Hardly anyone understands it.

    It’s a forum mate. Think of it like being in the pub. You start off talking about soemthing and go off at a tangent.



    Being born in Wrexham of an Irish, Catholic father and a Welsh mother I was brought up within Catholicism. Most of my formative years were spend learning about the religion of the Catholic Church. The one thing I regret about this is the fact that I never had the opportunity to learn Welsh. I understand the fact that duplicating official documents incurs unnecessary expense but have you considered the possibility of the Welsh Government producing and supplying all documents in Welsh and everybody who is not Welsh speaking having to pay someone to fill in the forms for them because they can’t understand what is printed upon them. Even though I can’t speak Welsh I can read and pronounce words and translate them in some fashion into English. All of us who live in Wales should make some kind of effort towards being Welsh in whatever capacity we are capable of. If you can’t read the Welsh version of your official documents you could at least recycle them rather than put them in the bin. If you don’t like living in Wales and all it entails, LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!



    [quote quote=98542] Most of my formative years were spend learning about the religion of the Catholic Church. [/quote]

    What? All day?

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