Newbridge Landslip Update: Road Closed Until 2023

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    Funding for Newbridge repairs may not emerge until next year with fear road could be closed until 2023

    What a diabolical state of affairs.
    If this was ‘down South’ I daresay it would have been addressed and work started months ago.
    Does the Welsh Government not realise that with the onset of winter not far away that the problem will just exacerbate and possibly see the road itself disappear with probable further erosion?
    I cycle through that section regularly and it has constantly crept closer and closer to the road on a monthly basis.
    Another Storm Christoph will probably cause irreparable damage, then what?
    Is this going to be another shining example of the North-South divide that often looks more like a chasm with failure to address these events?
    No money to sort out a vital road and local route whilst half a mile away we see heaps of scaffolding around the viaduct?
    I guess the rail link to the south is far more important than misery for a few locals in the sleepy suburbs and outlying villages of the biggest town in North Wales?
    6 months of inaction with a further 18 months minimum on the cards?
    Shameful beyond belief.



    Main access to a World Heritage Site from the south. All tourists, please divert to South Wales.


    Rudolph Hart

    There’s a yellow weather warning for Friday of Thunderstorms and potentially very heavy downpours, If we do get torrential rain, this could cause even more damage, as the land there is now exposed and very vulnerable. Who knows how much more damage will occur or if more of the land slips further along, potentially destabilising the bridge foundations. This work should be a priority, especially as the A483 now gridlocks regularly at Ruabon, which puts emergency vehicles at a disadvantage, and ultimately lives at risk. Money is found for less deserving evolutions, so where is the sense in delaying and undoubtedly increasing the remedial work exponentially!


    Born Acorn

    It’s not a government road like the current A483; responsibility remains entirely with the council. Unfortunately it looks like piling works will be needed and councils don’t have that sort of money just sitting around.

    Contrary to popular belief “Road Tax” hasn’t existed since 1937, there’s no pot of money for this. Hence all all the faffing around over funding.

    This will be a growing issue – most of our older highways have structures that will need replacing in the not too distant future. If the WAG was smart they should probably found some sort of climate disaster fund for dealing with fallout from floods, storms and the like.



    The A483 Ruabon-Chirk is closed tonight. Traffic is being diverted via LLangollen, a 12 miles extra drive.



    It comes as no surprise whatsoever, but unfortunately nothing will be done about it. There’s been petitions circulating for months to escalate things, as well as local road users having to take ridiculous detours or ones not suitable for larger vehicles. People who do not want to have to divert all the way via Llangollen are going over the Bont bridge via Pontcysyllte, which probably wasn’t designed for all the additional traffic it is dealing with now.

    Whenever they close the A483 stretch overnight, they have to pay a man with a van and a road closed sign to stand on Pont the turnoff from the Llangollen road and prevent any HGVs who might be following sat nav advice in order to stop them going down towards the Bont bridge and getting stuck and thereby making sure they go via Llangollen.

    Of course they sent Ken Skates down there a month ago looking all concerned asking the Welsh Government to do something, but no luck haha.

    Ken Skates MS asks Welsh Government to “look at this again” as Ministers are accused of ‘turning blind eye’ to Newbridge landslip damage


    Ioan y Ffin

    It is happening everywhere. A roadslip near Fownhope, near Hereford turned a five minute or so trip into the city into a ninety minute round trip. Took the council over a year to raise the funds from the UK government. There’s Hammersmith bridge in London that has been closed to vehicles for over a year while the MoT and the Mayor argue who should foot the bill for the repairs. Work has not started despite a high profile campaign by the ‘inconvenienced’.



    Ironically, on the day that I cycle through the road closure and notice that the cracks are no compromising the structure and integrity of the road there is an updated news article on the site.
    Had they acted sooner, the road would probably have been saved.
    It now appears far too late and will just add further unnecessary cost to the mounting repairs bill.
    Diabolical and farcical.



    Further Update: Dwr Cymru have now decided that they have to redirect a sewage pipe as a result of the further degradation.
    When will this 7 month debacle be properly addressed?
    What if resultant health hazards ensue?


    Steve Hartwell

    Because the A 483 will be closed 4 nights and the diversion has to be through LLangollen, and 2 miles from LLangollen are temporary traffic lights (only there for 33 weeks)can you imagine the chaos that will ensue?. all those lorries on a road totally unsuited for HGVs.
    All because the normal diversion is closed

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