BBC views of Wrexham

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    It is surprising that Arfon Jones has come out and stated his view about the negative impact of the BBC programme yet was not prepared to give them an interview to help set the scene. It is this very attitude of keeping quite by not giving the other side of the situation that causes the negativity to be perpetuated. The media need to be fed full with both sides of an issue all silence does is give a stronger platform to the more vociferous in society- it is exactly how minority views can become the dominant message.
    Let’s hope that those attending will be prepared to put forward arguments from all quarters.

    Let’s hope there is also a Party Political balance of this attending now that we have two Lead Members who have Community Safety and Poverty in their portfolios Messrs reduced services to support people in need due to their Conservative colleagues in Westminster, Hugh Jines and Andrew Atkinson both Conservative. Will they be honest about issues of poverty and deprivation in the area as a result of austerity and their fellow Party Members in Westminster!


    Council Watcher

    What is all this about the BBC and negative publicity — Arfon Jones and Cllr Bitthel have done more in the past 24 hours to highlight this– why on earth are they not prepared as elected representatives to go to the recording tonight or be filmed in advance to put over some of the positives. Complaining about the BBC is not getting a message over abut the town apart from what are they hiding- have there been failings by the Police, PCC, and Council and they are afraid to defend themselves. Or is it more personal fro Dave Bitthel that he doesn’t want to go to Splashmagic because he voted for it to be closed and can’t be seen to be supportuve of the venue!!

    If no one or very few are prepared to give the other side whatever negatives are out there will always come to the top.

    The likes of Arfon and Dave Bitthel need to listen closely to the trailer for the programme- yes there are negative comments but surely they have evidence to show that some of the comments from the public are totally incorrect. The comment about knife crime is an example. If these two and others do not get their publicity sorted then the public will very easily be swayed into negative thoughts on lots of issues.

    Wrexham belongs to ALL people and everyone has the opportunity of getting their views heard- I have not heard anyone say that the BBC has banned them from attending as they may give a positive image.


    Council Watcher

    Arfon Jones scored an unbelievable home goal this evening by not attending the BBC recording in Plas Madoc and leaving the floor to the ex-Labour Minister Jeff Cuthbert and now PCC for Gwent Police Force and the ex PCC for North Wales. The PCC is responsible for endorsing the expenditure targets for the North Wales Police yet he could not be bothered to attend.

    I wonder what he will say after the programme is aired?



    Just watching the programme it’s very amateurish, and the presenters are very poor.



    Totally agree with comments above.



    After the first speaker who pointed out how safe it was to live in this area compared to other parts of the country, the tone was more Wales wide than Wrexham specific. Interesting to see the graph re police numbers , Gwent cut by 23% while the North Wales reduction was the lowest in whole of Wales at 3%.



    [quote quote=146209]After the first speaker who pointed out how safe it was to live in this area compared to other parts of the country, the tone was more Wales wide than Wrexham specific. Interesting to see the graph re police numbers , Gwent cut by 23% while the North Wales reduction was the lowest in whole of Wales at 3%.[/quote]

    Wasn’t it the case that there were NO CUTS in Dyfed and Powys in Mid Wales, putting them in the actual best position. Funnily enough large swathes of these areas are covered by Tory MPs in Westminster – Blue Wales. Cuts for policing for all unless you are lucky enough to be a Tory voter in a Tory area.


    Rex Ham

    I’ve just finished watching the programme and I am quite relieved actually. I am relieved because the issues tackled in the programme were about Wales as a whole not just Wrexham. The programme was broadcast from Wrexham and some of the examples were from Wrexham, but that is exactly what they were – examples. Examples of the sort of problem every community in Wales (and beyond) face.

    As to the absences, perhaps they were not invited!! Perhaps our PCC was not invited in favour of the PCC for Gwent to give the programme more of a national brief. Perhaps Cllr Bithell wasn’t invited to participate because the nothing constructive to offer – who knows. What did occur to me was that Cllr Hugh Jones spoke well for our community and I, personally am minded to give him more listen time. Shame he represents the party which has sparked some of thee problems.


    Council Watcher

    The PCC had been invited to do a pice on camera and apparently refused.

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