You couldn't make it up.

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    Oh. hang on, she is (making it up).

    A483 50mph zone to be made permanent next month – Local AM says she does 50 but people ‘overtake all the time’

    What about when there is a breeze or a wind? Does the “polution” still hang around that short stretch of the 483? Is the limit still in force? should it be as the “polution is now being blown away :)
    She says she is constantly being overtaken when doing 50mph, well, my van and many other vehicles over read up to 5mph as demonstrated by Sat Nav. so it’s possible she isn’t actually doing 50mph. but, they are.
    I suspect People are ignoring the 50 limit because they know it’s stupid and makes no sense, she even says when challenged, the the evidence supporting the limits is “mixed” in other words the evidence does not support the measures but she is so sunk into the plan she wont back away from it, typical politician. We should be furnished with the up to date independantly verified figures from roadside readings taken with the 50 limit in place so we can see for ourselves what’s going on but, will we? In response to that, some people might say that the readings would be false because drivers are not sticking to the 50mph. to them i would say, in my experience the vast majority are, others may say different though i suppose.

    The whole thing is just plain stupidity, it’s a waste of time and money and she is totally delusional if she thinks that a 50mph. speed limit on a short stretch of road is going to make a jot of difference to the so called “polution” at that point.

    I have had a quick look through this, words words and more words. These people certainly love words and, of course, the money they get paid to make it all up. Any sensible person would be able to tell them in an instant what needs to be done but at the same time that person would know that the only way any really meaningful measures would be implemented is by the force of law which, would make the politicians so unpopular they would likely get dumped off the gravy train at the next election and, they wouldn’t want that now, would they?

    Again i say, we really are lead by donkeys!



    As well as there being very little evidence to show that is helps reduce pollution. There is also the fact that our esteemed AM has admitted that the police are not even enforcing the speed limit like they would elsewhere. Which means that people are viewing the 50mph as an optional activity.

    What sort of legislative powers or clout does the WAG if they put all the right speed limit signs up that drivers are required BY LAW to follow but even the police and highways enforcement officers aren’t pulling people for speeding in the zone. You couldn’t make it up.


    AMA Express

    If 50mph is so good for the environment, why isn’t it being strctly enforced along the whole of the A483, or the entire county , or indeed the entire UK ?



    There was talk of putting up Average Speed Cameras, Who is going to pay for them to be erected and maintained?



    Section 2.1.2 of the actual report clearly states the A483 is already likely compliant with the air quality rules

    Section 2.2 further reiterates this and says “The section of the A483 under consideration in this study is expected to have achieved compliance in 2018.”

    Also from previous reports the stated logic for “Enforce / Reduce Speed Limit (50mph)” is “Smoother flow in peak hours improves HDV (Heavy Duty Vehicle) emissions”

    So at a time when budgets are stretched they are going to spend a heap of money to implement something that their own report states is not needed, and even if it were needed it would only be needed during peak hours.



    [quote quote=170030]There was talk of putting up Average Speed Cameras, Who is going to pay for them to be erected and maintained?[/quote]

    The taxpayer i’d guess.

    To treat a questionable environmentally based speed limit as this the same as a safety issue and fine people £100 plus three points or even inviting them to attend an “envioronment awareness” course (one would be invented if needed) would be a travesty and would bring the Police and scamera vans into even greater disrepute than they already are and, i suspect, something the Police would realise and not want a part in.



    [quote quote=170042]

    To treat a questionable environmentally based speed limit as this the same as a safety issue and fine people £100 plus three points or even inviting them to attend an “envioronment awareness” course (one would be invented if needed) would be a travesty and would bring the Police and scamera vans into even greater disrepute than they already are and, i suspect, something the Police would realise and not want a part in.[/quote]

    The greater farce will be when they catch someone doing 60 and attempt to fine them and they’re in an electric car so they are producing 0 emissions on that stretch.



    What is it that’s being built next to the 50MPH area?
    A drive through coffee shop!
    A line of cars, engines running, parked in a queue waiting for service
    If the speed limit is needed surely that shouldn’t have been given planning permission and a solution should be found to clear vehicles out of the estate without the frequent long queues we get now.



    [quote quote=170043]

    To treat a questionable environmentally based speed limit as this the same as a safety issue and fine people £100 plus three points or even inviting them to attend an “envioronment awareness” course (one would be invented if needed) would be a travesty and would bring the Police and scamera vans into even greater disrepute than they already are and, i suspect, something the Police would realise and not want a part in.

    The greater farce will be when they catch someone doing 60 and attempt to fine them and they’re in an electric car so they are producing 0 emissions on that stretch.[/quote]

    You make a good point :) The same limit will apply to less poluting vehicles as most poluting ones in fact, everything, wagons, electric, hybrid, motorbikes large and small, classic cars, wagons and motorbikes that have never been near emissions testing equipment, two stroke engined vehicles, everyone the same which, tbh. isn’t joined up thinking. Remember too that these limits apply day and night 24 7 365 so if there were to be average speed cameras to enforce it would mean (unless they were switched off) someone could get a ticket at 3am. on a Sunday morning! How stupid would that be? The more thought is applied to the situation the more ludicrous it becomes. It seems to me that our local AM is trying to look really pious on the subject as well as trying to make a name for herself as someone who really cares for the environment when in fact it isn’t really the case it’s just a bandwagon and, a box ticking exercise. It occurs to me that the lady says she does 50mph, well, if she really cares she wouldn’t treat the 50 as a target and reduce her speed further to say, 40 then she would be less poluting still and, i have to ask, does she run an electric or hybrid vehicle or even, could she not set an example and take the bus or ride a bike indeed as we are all being encouraged to do. I guess not :)


    Ioan y Ffin

    The 50 mph is a sticking plaster of a policy. However, people would really moan if serious policies were introduced to cut down pollution by motor vehicles across Wales and the rest of the UK. Instead we have one government in Cardiff lobbying another government in Westminster to have the tolls lifted on the Severn Bridges so encouraging more vehicles onto the M4 and then a few months later cancelling the plan to relieve all the traffic jams around Newport on the same motorway. It is time to reintroduce the fuel duty escalator and use the money raised to help pay for these metro schemes our politicians are currently promoting both north and south.

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