Plans for 350 new homes in LLay !!!!!

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    Out of curiosity I have just read the full application agenda report which everybody can read on the Wrexham Planning Meeting agenda for Monday. I am trying to find in the report in the section under “neighbours” where all the people in support of the development living in allay have their comments listed. I can find all the against but strangely not the “for” campaign. It seems somebody was telling big porkies. Correct me if I’m wrong.



    Quite simply Saxon, unless there is personal gain involved, public opinion for a development such as this will only ever generate objection letters.
    Unless directly affected or involved, the rest of the population will always remain disinterested and thus,
    any lack of a stack of support letters would be meaningless to the outcome of the planning decision.

    The government has a target of 1 million homes to be built over the next five years and as a result, local councils are under pressure to be an enabler and not an obstacle in regards to this target.

    Objectors will have to be more scientific in their approach than quoting a handful of old blokes who think they remember these fields being a bit flatter when they were kids and accusing the case officer of professional bias if they are to be taken seriously.


    Captain C

    OK Sheefag you’ve had your opinionated statement now please just crawl back into your shell and leave this forum to people who care and are involved. This effects everyone living in Llay and the amount of opposition is amazing.



    Sheefag have you read the report !! please read it then comment. It is not just a handful of old men as you quote who are against it.
    Yea we all know that houses are needed but we also all know that many people are set to make hugh profits in the name of building “affordable houses”. Nobody really cares where they are built as long as there is a profit to be made. Let’s face it a lot of these houses will be bought by “buy to let” then rented out at extortionate rents. Who wins ! We all know who wins.



    Captain, you don’t own the place I’m afraid, I’m happy to do as most others in Llay habitually do and just ignore both yourself and your puerile insults.

    Saxon, I sympathise with your view but a dislike of free market economics and profit will not win the day for the objectors.


    Captain C

    OK, I will try one last time with you Sheefag.

    Have you read the reports that are on the council planning web site and have you read the agenda report that was put on line on Friday. I suspect that you have not or you would not be coming up with these negative and insulting statements all the while. If you do not live in the locality then it’s not your place to demean this discussion.



    [quote quote=100652]OK, I will try one last time with you Sheefag……….
    ……If you do not live in the locality then it’s not your place to demean this discussion.[/quote]

    You’re doing it again Captain, trying to tell people what they can and cannot do, say and think.
    It reminds me of the Committee that ran the Welfare in the 70’s and 80’s, their utter contemmpt for the customers that made the place so profitable eventually emptied the place.

    Every time you open your mouth or ‘put pen to paper’, you kill off just a little more support for the ‘No’ campaign from the silent majority.

    You really should leave the PR side of the campaign to those who are a bit more likeable and can manage calm, reasoned argument.

    This level of pent up, bile, vitriol and jealousy cannot be healthy for someone of your advancing years.



    Having Listened for some time without comment to both parties concerning this matter, I conclude that Mr Fag is correct, in that The “Captain” has nothing but contemptible thoughts for anyone who is not inextricably linked to his (or her) thought processes. I firmly believe now that I am in the Fag camp and will be presenting my dossier to the council as planned, highlighting the pros for this rave undertaking and noting, in full, the negativity of people such as MR CAPTAIN and others of his type. I too remember the days of the Llay Miners Welfare institute in those days and the negative attitude of staff to clientèle. I worked there myself for a short time and was subject to the miserable attitude of some of the staff, especially long standing members.
    may I say Fag of She’e or whatever you call yourself, you make a good case, have you ever considered a career in politics? or maybe a business career in a big city, perhaps Glasgow or London?

    Many thanks for giving me a platform for opinion, democracy is not dead, well not in some cases.



    Good location for the development with good road links, throw in a school and shops and it can only be a positive to meet the housing problems in the area.



    [quote quote=100799]Good location for the development with good road links, throw in a school and shops and it can only be a positive to meet the housing problems in the area.


    I wasn’t aware there are any plans for a new school, shops, doctors etc. which appears to be a major concern for this large development (that the infrastructure is not currently in place to support it). Is that not the case?

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