Opposing Brexit could cost me my seat – Labour MP Ian Lucas

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    An anti-Brexit Labour MP has said his stance could cost him his seat at the next general election.
    Ian Lucas has a majority of less than 2,000 over the Conservatives in Wrexham, an area which voted leave in the referendum in 2016.
    Mr Lucas now wants another referendum, and would support staying in the EU.

    “Of course it could [lose me my seat], my majority is 1,832,” he said.
    “But the position is that I will do what I think is right for Wrexham.
    “And if I lose my job because of that then I understand that and I respect that.”

    Dear Mr Lucas

    You have lost my vote as you do not respect me.


    Mr Wrex-it



    If you don’t feel Mr Lucas represents you then you’re more than entitled to vote for someone else, but it’s a complete fallacy to suggest he is required to go along how Wrexham voted on the EU referendum.

    The job of an MP is to exercise their own judgement on what they feel’s best for the country and their constituency. If based on the evidence he feels Brexit would be bad for the UK and Wrexham then he’s perfectly entitled to that view and to act on it.

    To put it another way, it’s not unforeseeable that a referendum on the death penalty could result in the majority wanting to bring it back. As a man from a legal background, he might think that’s a bad idea as there’s rarely such a thing as 100% proof in any criminal case.



    Stick to your principles Mr Lucas and take the course that you consider best for the Country, Mr Lucas.

    If some people consider leave is the best option after hearing the absolute farrago of lies and misdirection put out by Boris, Farage and Co, the content of Yellowhammer and after comparing that with the observations of respected institutions, on their heads be it.

    I for one, won’t lose any sleep when they start moaning and demonstrating about rising prices, loss of jobs and shortages. You wanted it, you got it. Own it and live with it.



    [quote quote=173915]
    I for one, won’t lose any sleep when they start moaning and demonstrating about rising prices, loss of jobs and shortages. You wanted it, you got it. Own it and live with it.[/quote]

    Yes, it’s just a pity that there’s no way to make sure that only those who support this brexit folly suffer the results of it.

    Type 1 diabetics, epileptics, those with high blood pressure, cancer patients benefiting from Euratom etc are literally having their lives placed at risk.

    I’ll join the others in saying well done, Mr Lucas, for trying to do the best by your constituents and not yielding to hysterical propaganda-fuelled populism.



    I feel more inclined to vote for Mr Lucas now, and that as someone who has long thought that Wrexham suffered from being a Labour stronghold.

    Maybe he is now realising that Wrexham people are just pig shit stupid, and would rather have a deeper puddle of shit to wallow in; rather than a shallow one.



    [quote quote=173920]Type 1 diabetics, epileptics, those with high blood pressure, cancer patients benefiting from Euratom etc are literally having their lives placed at risk.
    I’ll join the others in saying well done, Mr Lucas, for trying to do the best by your constituents and not yielding to hysterical propaganda-fuelled populism[/quote] Erm…



    I’m prepared to bet that any loss of votes caused by Ian Lucas’ stance on Brexit will be more than replaced by those who have a new-found respect for his determination to challenge the Government on its dodgy dealings behind closed doors with the likes of Dodgy Dom and his ‘Social Media Ninjas’.



    Remainers are a bunch of moaning gits who prefer to hide behind Europe’s apron strings and are too afraid to take ANY risk at all.
    Bet you sh1t yourselfs crossing the street because it is too risky.
    What did we ever before we joined? I guess we survived it!



    [quote quote=173926]I feel more inclined to vote for Mr Lucas now, and that as someone who has long thought that Wrexham suffered from being a Labour stronghold.

    Maybe he is now realising that Wrexham people are just pig shit stupid, and would rather have a deeper puddle of shit to wallow in; rather than a shallow one.[/quote]

    Maybe you should move away from this pig shit stupid town then JP and go and live in Chester.



    [quote quote=173913]If you don’t feel Mr Lucas represents you then you’re more than entitled to vote for someone else, but it’s a complete fallacy to suggest he is required to go along how Wrexham voted on the EU referendum.[/quote]

    The Labour party that promised to respect the result of the Referendum

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