How has Eagles Meadow changed Wrexham?

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    If they integrated Eagles meadow into the high street better, as previously mentioned and the overall design was much much better and so many stores had not moved to the new development, we wouldn’t be criticising right now. It has been a overall disappointment, thankfully there are positives considering stores such as Debenhams H&M, Bank and Animal have come to Wrexham and the Odeon, Tenpin, Nando’s and Pizza Express has improved the leisure scene in the town, so without this development we may not have those jobs at Eagles Meadow that we have now, but i seriously hope that the town centre does attract more shops and leisure activities.

    The artist impressions looked so much better than what we got, i think the McArthur Glen outlets such as Cheshire Oaks are an example of how the development should be in terms of design, therefore less imposing, with covering and free parking. Liverpool One(Not a great example, as Wrexham had more trouble with integrating because of the Wynnstay and Black Horse, the latter i would not miss) did a good job of integrating the development into the rest of Liverpool, it may have cost a lot of money, but it was obviously a much bigger development, which has paid off big time the only cause for concern is recently when they closed Central Station and people haven’t been visiting that part of the city, but Wrexham doesn’t have that problem.

    Telford has not got that home town feel because it is not a traditional high street, but it is a day out like Trafford centre is.



    I’m wondering if high street were properly pedestrianised like hope street, would the foot-flow be better and would town benefit more from eagles meadow?
    after all, high street is not really a main road and is generally only used for access anyway.
    actually, I wonder what the status of high street is, why there are not more cars going down there all the time yet it doesn’t seem like traffic is denied access…

    if it were fully pedestrianised, it would widen the walking area. that path is quite wide but sometimes it is quite crowded.
    high street could also play host to market stalls like it used to, it would be very beneficial to wrexham to have the monday market expanded to different areas and not just queens square.
    this would also bring people to the midway between eagles meadow and town centre.



    I think this thread has highlighted two major problems with Eagles Meadow. Firstly its open to elements. Unless its a very nice day(Rare), you just want to get in to the shop, buy the item your after and leave. Its a wind tunnel, its cold and not a pleasant experience. Secondly its disconnected from its main artery; the town centre. A pokey little alleyway with scenic views of the back of the Wynnstay Hotel, the sex shop and other units is hardly inviting. The council should have stuck with the original vision, which was to make St Giles Church a part of the visual attractiveness. They failed!

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