How has Eagles Meadow changed Wrexham?

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    We have written this today: Eagles Meadow Silences Macclesfield Shopping Development Objectors

    In summary Macclesfield will possibly soon have an Eagles Meadow of their own so some residents came on a fact finding mission to Wrexham.

    WakeUpMacc said “The overwhelming response from people in Wrexham was regret about how the shopping centre has changed their town for the worse – “Eagle’s Meadow has ruined Wrexham.

    Do you agree?

    We will point them to this thread to get feedback that was curtailed on the visit the other day.



    Eagles Meadow has brought a cinema , bowling alley, several restaurant chains, and a number of well known shops into the town centre. Taken together they will have attracted new people to spend money in the town centre. However the weak link is the way it is tied into the High Street. They had the opportunity to demolished the poor quality buildings in the middle of Yorke Street and opening up the entrance to Eagles Meadow to be visible from the High Street. Imagine walking from Eagles Meadow across the bridge to be greeted by a large open space ( paved or green) a view of the Church and High Street. Instead what we have is a stylish bridge taking you to a dismal alley that comes out on to Yorke Street. The potential is still there!



    Go to Telford and see a shopping centre Wrexham is just a poor version.



    Telford as a town lacks any character.



    @wrexview 1657 wrote:

    Telford as a town lacks any character.

    I guess that’s relevant to a discussion about shopping centres :confused: Although Wellington has a thriveing town centre balanced with the indoor Telford Shopping Centre – homepage I’m afraid Wrexham comes a poor second with to Telfords with regards to shopping.



    Telford is an odd place as the shopping centre is the town centre to a degree.

    Wrexham certainly appears to have more character!

    Its an interesting point about the gateway to Eagles Meadow – an open area at the top end of Yorke St would fit quite well but would take a large restructure.



    Telford is not a town as such but a collection of villages, so as such has no character at all. Wellington is very similar to Wrexham although a lot smaller and is still a market town.

    I chose to come back to my hometown to live but having been a regular user of Telfords shopping centre I was extremly disapointed with the Eagles medow development. For example coming up to Christmas when the weather is at its worst I was quite happy to spend a day in Telford shopping, paticipating in whatever was taking place in centre. In ealgles meadow in the rain its a case of get in buy what you need and get out.



    i got to agree, the demolition of the buildings in yorke street, the black horse etc, would be a bonus. the bridge is sort of hidden away and the other side where the steps are, is an odd location. I can’t imagine coming from that direction really, the transport hubs are not in that direction. but if the black horse etc were demolished, that whole area could be opened up and have a small drop off point for buses and some benches etc. and it would help lead towards the steps. a decent proper cafe would do really well there. (not like starbucks)

    anyway, onto the main topic,
    how has eagles meadow changed wrexham?
    it’s difficult to say as the economy has no doubt had a major impact on the town at the same time. but it does seem that some chains have moved from the centre to eagles meadow. also, it is quite a distance from one end of town to the other end of eagles meadow. in this respect, eagles meadow has made wrexham less attractive. to go from the train or bus station to where the main chains are, is more of a hassle now than it used to be. this could lead to people making a different choice when deciding what town to go to to shop.
    on the other hand, when concerning car parking, they can park in eagles meadow. this results in a lower likelihood of a visit to hope street and regent street. add to this the increase in young lads driving loud mopeds and cars around past macdonalds, some people may avoid this part of town altogether.
    in a sense, it could cause a kind of cultural divide between the town centre and eagles meadow.



    @Rob 1659 wrote:

    Telford is an odd place as the shopping centre is the town centre to a degree.

    Telford was a new town created by linking all the small villages in the 1960’s and creating cheap housing. The shopping centre is the town centre pretty much.



    @thunderbirdskid 1671 wrote:

    Telford was a new town created by linking all the small villages in the 1960’s and creating cheap housing. The shopping centre is the town centre pretty much.

    Do you think Telford doesn’t really have a soul then?

    And do you think Eagles Meadow has distorted Wrexham’s?

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