Statement of Damian Wynn Conde

We invited them to tell you a little about who they are, any political history and about their political leanings.

Hello - my name is Damian Wynn Condé and I'm standing as a independent for the upcoming May elections in the Gwenfro ward.

I am standing as an independent because I believe that county politics should not be dominated by party lines - we should all be interested in the best outcome for those we wish to represent. There will be those who say that this can only be done by a political party - I believe this is tosh. It would be doable if political party's didn't try and score points against each other. I am not interested in party politics on a local level - it should be about what's right for the area we live in. Regardless of what your views on national politics are.

At the ripe old age of 23, I am probably not the oldest candidate in this election - I'm sure we can all agree on that. However, in 23 years what have I done? A lot of different things!

I am a professional recruiter (awarded by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation) working in the logistics industry. It's my job to make sure there is a driver able to deliver your bread, TV's, shirts, steel pipes when they are needed.

I have worked for Wrexham Council and the Welsh Assembly before moving into the private sector in both IT and recruitment roles. I have enjoyed taking my career in a direction that has allowed me to help people. In the Welsh Assembly, I was able to help people solve problems or at least attempt to advocate on behalf of people. I now am able to encourage people into employment. Nothing makes me prouder as a recruiter than knowing someone who was struggling to get employment and was near the breadline is now taking their first family holiday in years because of a placement I've managed to support.

I grew up in the Lodge, near Brymbo; the son of an electrician and a cleaner. I attended St Mary's Brymbo School, Ysgol Bryn Alyn, Yale College and finally Wrexham Glyndwr University where I studied Accounting and Finance.

I have also represented many students in our town, having been both elected as Wrexham University's Student's Guilds' Welfare Office and a Student Governor at Yale College (and supported the shadow board of Coleg Cambria)

I last stood for council in 2012 as a Liberal Democrat - since that, I've managed to do a lot of thinking about where my political leanings are. I would currently say that no political party matches my beliefs and at times the entire party system infuriates me because it can often lead to votes that are point scoring as opposed to doing what is right for the population.

My main priorities are:
Developing community spirit (something I believe has been lost in several areas)
Increasing transparency from within the council chamber
Championing local businesses
Raising the quality of "Councillor Service" to our residents
Trying to create situations to raise the aspirations of our young people
Working to future-proof the county.

I do hope that people vote for me in May.

Regardless of your natural instincts to vote I believe I am worth a consideration - if you are not sure about me and would like to ask your own questions; I'm available on Twitter (@WrexhamDamo) or via e-mail [email protected] I will always try and respond within 24 hours. I believe that it is only good courtesy for at least an acknowledgement within this time frame.

Questions & Answers

1. Often we are told that highways, street lighting, bin collections and anti-social behaviour are some of the issues people care most about. Aside from those what are the key local issues in your ward? (The question below will ask what you think should be done)

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2. Further to the above issues you have specified, at a ward level what would you do to resolve these problems if elected?

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3. As a councillor and as a member of the council what would be in your power, and your priority, to help local businesses?

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4. How do you think adult social care in Wrexham should be funded?

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5. What do you think is the most urgent thing, in the power of councillors, required to improve the local education system?

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6. What do you think should be done with the Groves school building, and the site?

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7. What are your thoughts on the housing supply in Wrexham, and if you feel more housing needs to be created in volume, where would that be sited and who would it be targeted at?

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8. On litter and dog fouling enforcement, do you think this should be provided via a third party, and should it be enforced to the letter of the law or in a more lenient manner?

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9. Do you favour the current Executive Board system or a politically balanced system? Why?

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10. As has happened in Wrexham recently - if you change political allegiance from what you are currently seeking election for (eg. resigning from, or joining another party) will you trigger a by-election? If not, why not?

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11. 'Reshaping' Wrexham Council is a major theme impacting all areas of the local authority. What areas do you think could see deeper savings made and why?

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12. With the 'Reshaping' programme, which specific areas would you look to grow and create revenue streams in?

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13. The Town Centre Masterplan is an aspirational document which could shape and transform the town centre over the next ten years. What is your future vision for Wrexham town centre, and how will you help achieve it?

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14. Many politicians are accused of being out of touch with voters and only surfacing before elections. What will you do to ensure you stay in touch through the coming years if you are elected?

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15. What are your thoughts on the current provision and support for the arts in Wrexham, and what would you do to support the arts?

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16. Wrexham Football Club had been let down greatly before being taken over by the fans themselves. As a councillor what action would you champion to help the club?

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17. Wrexham's Night Time Economy employs a large number of people and generates revenue for the town. As a councillor what action would you like to see from Wrexham Council to improve that sector?

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18. Wrexham Council currently has two Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) in place in the town centre and Rhosddu area. How should anti social behaviour be tackled?

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19. New Psychoactive Substances are a recent well documented problem in and around town, what do you think is the solution?

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20. Councillor pay, iPads as tools for the job, and allowances have all been topics of debate over the last few years. What is your view on this?

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21. The ownership and operation of Plas Madoc Leisure Centre has been debated over recent years - where do you believe the responsibility for funding and running such public amenities should lie?

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22. What actions would you take, or support, as a councillor to encourage Welsh language use growth? Or, if you are against this, why?

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23. Currently Wrexham Council webcast their Full Council, Executive Board and Planning meetings, and some Scrutiny. Would you like to see the webcasting system rolled out to cover all meetings and how else do you think the local authority could involve the public more in the democratic process?

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24. This will be the first time some people are old enough to vote, with that age limit possibly dropping in future. Candidates are on the whole older and male. What will you do to represent a more diverse viewpoint?

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25. What local activity have you taken part in over the last few months to improve your ward? Regardless of if you win, will you continue any such action that benefits your ward?

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In a few hundred characters to wrap this up, why should people vote for you?

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Social & Web links

Map of Gwenfro

The above is a ward map screenshot taken from the OS Map - if you click the map itself it will show a slightly bigger version.
If you click here it will open this map on the OS website itself, allowing more options to zoom and move around.

Where is my polling station?

You can pop your postcode into this helpful website and it will draw you a map!

How do I vote?

Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 4th May.

If you don't have your poll card, you can go to the polling station and give them your name and address. You don't need any other form of ID.

Give your name and address to the staff inside the polling station when you arrive. You don’t have to take your poll card with you.

You’ll be given a ballot paper containing a list of the people, parties or the options you can vote for.

  • Take your ballot paper into a polling booth.
  • Follow the instructions on the notices in the polling booth and on the top of the ballot paper to vote.
  • Put it in the ballot box.


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