Posted: Sun 26th May 2024

Weather warning issued with heavy rain and thunderstorms forecast today for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area

A weather warning has been issued with heavy rain with a risk of storms forecast throughout today.

The Met Office yellow alert, which is in place across large parts of north east and mid Wales and England, is in force from midday through until 8pm.

According to the Met Office slow-moving heavy showers and thunderstorms may cause flooding and disruption in places covered by the warning.

A spokesperson said: “Slow-moving showers and thunderstorms are expected to develop during Sunday afternoon.

“Rainfall accumulations will vary significantly across the warning area but where showers become organised, there is the possibility of 20-30 mm of rain falling in an hour or less.

“Frequent lightning and hail (particularly in the east of the area) may also cause impacts.”

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