Wrexham Memorial Hall and Council Plans

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    The Council Executive are discussing the future of the Memorial Hall next week as if it is their own building- it is not their it belongs to the Memorial Hall Charity of which the Council are the sole Trustee. They have not been submitting accounts or annual return now as they are nearly 1000 days overdue.

    As Charity Trustee they should be doing the best for the charity as the custodian of the asset and the history yet they make no reference in their report that they do not own it. Under a previous Chief Executive the Council was going to demolish the building as part of the ‘Golden Triangle’ development which included the demolition of Waterworld.

    The building clearly needs a massive revamp as it has been neglected for a number of years even though the Trustees (the Council) could have applied for lots of charity grant funding and more recently the Shared Prosperity Leveling Up funding.

    Have the Council been offered funding for the site by a developer to locate next to Aldi?

    Those who have an interest in preserving / creating a new Memorial Hall fitting for the future should make their voice heard. https://moderngov.wrexham.gov.uk/documents/s30833/Appendix.pdf?LLL=0



    Reading through the link, it would appear that the days of seeing this Hall as a social & entertainment centre are numbered.

    If the Council do reinvent this facility as one focussing on the Memorial aspect, I would suggest combining the whole with a Museum (and canning the current site). At least there would be a rationale in that



    You are talking about Wrexham council they don’t do rationale


    Wrexham ITK

    I remember the Hall used to host rock gigs – why does this no longer happen?

    Hopefully if it’s rebuilt, they make it at least as big, but more modern obviously, to allow for events like this to return.



    If there are plans and photos of the proposed new building why haven’t they been put into the public domain? Have Councillors had sight of them ? The building was built by public subscriptions (£20,000 pounds and the balance by the Wrexham Borough Council (£15,000 pounds). The public in the 1950’s worked with the Council to bring the project to fruition, the Council should now in good faith include the public in their designs for the new building.



    The design for the new building looks good, however let’s hope they don’t demolish the old Memorial Hall until the new one is fully funded and the funds are ring fenced for the project. With money being in short supply in the Council , where is the 11 million coming from?

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